Are guests able to do laundry at your property?

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Are guests able to do laundry at your property?



Hello everyone


I hope the start of fall/spring is shaping up beautifully in your area! 🍃/🍂


For many guests, having access to laundry facilities might be an important aspect of their stay, though this need often varies depending on the location and the nature of their trip.


Are guests able to do laundry at your property? If so, do you provide cleaning supplies, such as laundry detergent? If you don’t offer this service, I’d love to hear your reasons in the comments.


I look forward to hearing about your experiences!



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34 Replies 34
Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Miliscent0,  It’s great to hear that your guests feel welcome to do laundry and appreciate the amenities you provide.


Have you noticed any particular feedback from guests about the laundry facilities? Also, do you have any tips for other hosts on how to best manage laundry services for guests?


Regards 🌻



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Level 2
California City, CA

Yes all our facilities are equipped with washing  and drying capabilities. The only one lacking this facility is our serenity home in Rosamond. There is a Laundromat, very close by and a solution is being worked on as at this message. We hope we’ve responded adequately to your question. Please do not hesitate to seek more answers as your comfort is our primary goal. Thanks for the interest expressed Mike and Family,

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Michael8112, thank you so much for sharing your experience.


What feedback have you received from guests about the laundry services you provide?


Keep us posted 😊



Please follow the Community Guidelines // Por favor consulta las Normas de la comunidad

Level 2
Gauteng, South Africa

Yes, i have a washing machine and drier in the apartment, and there are outdoor washing lines in the yard. I also supply detergent.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Melinda348, this is fantastic 😊


Do your guests typically use the laundry facilities? Do you see this as a competitive advantage for your listing?


Keep us posted!



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