Space reviews listings

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Space reviews listings


Hi everyone, I’m thrilled to be part of this community! I have two listings, but I’ve noticed an issue where all my reviews are showing up under my house listing and not the apartment. I’m also wondering if I should simplify my listings—currently, I have four because Airbnb doesn’t allow me to list a one-bedroom apartment that sleeps five, so I split the options. However, I’m concerned this could be confusing to guests or make the listings look suspicious.

The apartment is stunning, reasonably priced, but isn’t getting as many bookings as I’d expect. I even noticed it didn’t show up when I searched for it today, and I’m at a loss on how to fix this. I’m deeply passionate about my job; before Airbnb, I was an accountant for Ridley Scott, but after falling very ill and not being able to walk for three years, Airbnb gave me a new sense of identity, and I’ve found I’m really great at it. So, it’s very important for me to get this right! Any advice, guidance, or support would be so appreciated.

Thanks so Much! 

1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ


I think at first glance the calendar is limited dates and then the price increase when  I added A 2md person was a lot higher than average increase