Where do you place your towels in your listing?

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Where do you place your towels in your listing?



Hello hosts! We have a question for you: Where do you place your towels? 🤔


I'm curious about your tips and ideas. Your approach can provide some inspiration and guidance to fellow hosts who are looking to enhance their guest experience 🏠


There are multiple areas to leave the towels. Do you have a dedicated cabinet for them? or do you simply place them in the bathroom or bedroom for convenience? Are the towels hanging, folded or perhaps you make them into towel origami for a personal touch 🙌🏽 


Where do you place your towels in your listing?


Comment below and feel free to share any photos 📸





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41 Replies 41

@Karen114  I'm with you! Why make the guest move them and carry them to the bathroom, when they're used......in the bathroom.

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

That's very practical @Karen114 😊 makes sense! It didn't come across my mind that it would be more work to unravel them, but a good point! 😅



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Top Contributor
Sintra, Portugal

Hello @Sophia 


For me, authenticity is what matters most. I’m not a hotel, and I’m not trying to be one. This is my home, and my guests are treated like friends.


All the towels are in the bathroom where they belong. Big towels are nicely folded next to the sink, hand towels are on hangers, and the floor towel is, well, on the floor.

I don’t do towel art or try to mimic hotel towel arrangements. Towels on the bed remind me too much of a cheap hotel.

My home is a place of comfort and homeyness, and I think most people don’t do towel art or leave towels on the bed at home.

I also stick to the same shampoo and soap brands I normally use. You won’t find soap dispensers, soap bars, small soap bottles, or anything that feels like temporary accommodation here. This is my home, and they are my guests. 

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Thank you @Guy991 for sharing 😊 What a lovely sentiment that you live by 🙌🏽

"guests are just friends you are yet to meet!" 😎 I remember reading this on a different post by a lovely host. What is good enough for you is good enough for your guests, no cutting corners 👏🏽



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Level 4
Atlanta, GA

I place the towels, all sizes, IN THE GUESTS ROOM WHERE THEY BELONG. They bring it to the bathroom with any other personal items, do their tasks and return towel and their persoanl items back to their room when finished. This allows for me to easily clean the room, for their towels to easily be used more than once and keeps bathroom tidy for everyone. 

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Thank you for sharing what you do @Steve2584 😊 do you leave them on the bed? or do you leave them in the wardrobe for easy access? 

Very good point about keeping the bathroom tidy 💡



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i place them on an open shelf in their room and have extra hooks in their room to hang damp towels on for reuse. 

In the wardrobe 

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Thanks for sharing! 😊



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Level 8
Almaty, Kazakhstan

I place the big towels inside the wardrobe together with blankets and duvets, there are other small hand towels in the bathroom and in the kitchen.


If you have a big bed (king size), better to place them on it, but in case of couch/sofa - makes sense to place them in the wardrobe.

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Thank you for your recommendations @Muslim4 🙏🏽 this is very insightful! 💡



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Level 2
Fukusaki, Kanzaki District, Japan



Google Translation added by Community Manager:  Place folded towels for each person in the most visible place.