Where has the scenic views amenity gone?


Where has the scenic views amenity gone?



Do you know if it is still possible to add scenic views to your listing - and how?


Thank you in advance!



1 Best Answer
Top Contributor
Cannes, France

Hello @Verna57 


If your question is where can you show in your description that your listing has a city view/garden view etc  then follow these steps so that it is added to the list of amenities:


==>Go onto your Listing

==>Under Listing Editor

==>Select Location

==>Scroll all the way down until you see Scenic Views

==>Select from the list the type of scenery your property offers


Best of luck




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6 Replies 6
Top Contributor
Malmö, Sweden

Hi @Verna57 


You can go to https://elevate.translated.com/categories

and apply for the category “Amazing view”. Make sure to have photos that document the view.


Best regards 


Ah! Thank you very much. Airbnb has old instructions on their website and I wasn’t aware of this turn.



Top Contributor
Cannes, France

Hello @Verna57 


If your question is where can you show in your description that your listing has a city view/garden view etc  then follow these steps so that it is added to the list of amenities:


==>Go onto your Listing

==>Under Listing Editor

==>Select Location

==>Scroll all the way down until you see Scenic Views

==>Select from the list the type of scenery your property offers


Best of luck




Hi @Verna57 and @Joelle43 


Can you enlighten me a bit? Is there also a filter that guests can select to display listings with a "Scenic Views"? 


I can only find these options under Filtera > Amenities > Location:





If there isn't one, then users are limited to the categories if they want a good view. Or am I mistaken? Can you help me figure this out? 🙂


Best regards


Hello @Karen4131 


Yes you're correct - guests have very few filters to tick unfortunately when they make a search and scenic views is not one of them.  


Listings have doubled or even tripled in the last two years and yet guests have to sort through 15 pages of listings that for the most part don't correspond to what they're looking for as the choice of filters is so small.   Airbnb have the lowest number of filters of all the platforms and make a search experience frustrating for the guest on Airbnb.  You get offered listings that aren't even in the town you've entered!


So as you say, the only way guests can search for a scenic view is by searching using that category but if you're a host with a great view you also have to hope that your listing has been selected by the algorithm and has put you in that category in the first place.  Personally I never use the categories in my searches for a place to stay on Airbnb as I know that being put in the right category is a hit and miss affair


Hope I've answered your questions😉



Thank you for the clarification @Joelle43 


The challenge is also that not all hosts are aware that they can apply to have a category assigned.


I have personally applied and been granted a few categories, but this means that one of my neighbor's listings becomes invisible when one of these categories is selected, even though they have the same location.


This is misleading and a general challenge. - And perhaps a subject for feedback to Airbnb with a suggestion to make the category application more visible when a listing is created or edited. I'll take this forward through the proper channels.


Thanks, in any case, for engaging in this.


Best regards 
