LGBT+ Host MeetUp \ Super(Gay)host MeetUp

Level 6
Galway, Ireland

LGBT+ Host MeetUp \ Super(Gay)host MeetUp

Hi all. As the countdown to AO16 begins, I'm just throwing it out there to see if any of you would be interested in organising an LGBT+ meetup at the Open this year. I'm thinking we could do two of them, one at the AO daytime as an informal breakout session where LGBT+ hosts and guests could share advice with one another about our hosting styles, how (if at all) our sexuality informs our approach to hosting/travelling etc., what we think of the latest changes to Airbnb's anti-discrimination policy, and how we can help to make the platform a more inviting and welcoming experience for all hosts and guests alike.


And maybe we could organise a second evening time meetup which would be much more of a relaxed social affair, where we can let our hair down a bit and have a drink and a laugh. (and a dance!)


Any takers? If there's enough interest, I'm happy to take the lead on seeing if we can organise a space for us to meet daytime, but as a non-native to LA, suggestions for an evening meetup would be greatly welcome. 





15 Replies 15
Level 1
Tokyo, Japan

★We totally in support of LGBT people,and also be friendly for everybody whom visiting to Tokyo★