Airbnb Answers: Guest profile photos

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Airbnb Answers: Guest profile photos

Update: January, 2019


A few months ago, we told you about some changes Airbnb was making to the way guest profile photos are displayed. You can read the original post, below.


Now that those changes are being introduced gradually, we want to make sure you have all the information you need. Here’s a recap of what will be changing, along with some tips.



New photo process

Moving forward, rather than displaying a potential guest’s profile photo before the booking is accepted, you’ll receive a guest’s photo after you’ve accepted the booking request. If you have Instant Book turned on, you won’t notice a change to the booking process.


Airbnb does not require guests to have profile photos. Although most guests provide a photo, some have told us they don’t want to share a picture of themselves when booking, and we listened.


At the same time, many of you told us that you value guest profile photos, and we listened to you, too. That’s why we’ve introduced a new option for hosts to be able to customize their own booking requirements.


New host control

You now have the option to require that your guests provide a profile photo. Again, the photo will be visible to you only after you accept the booking request. If you’d like to require your guests to provide a profile photo, you’ll need to turn on the control option in your settings for each of your listings, either on mobile or on web. Specifically:


On mobile:

  1. Go to the listing you’d like to require profile photos for
  2. Tap Booking settings
  3. Tap Guest requirements
  4. Look for the Profile photo section and tap Edit
  5. Tap Require a profile photo
  6. Tap Save

On web:

  1. From your host dashboard, click Listings
  2. Click Booking settings
  3. Next to Guest requirements, click Edit
  4. Check the box next to Profile photo
  5. Click Save


If you take this step and a potential guest doesn’t already have a profile photo, they’ll be prompted to upload one before they can request to book your space. A guest’s profile photo will not be available to you until after you accept the booking request. If the guest doesn’t want to provide a photo, then they won’t be able to book your space. 


Additional support

If you choose to require that your guests have a profile photo and one of your potential guests uploads an image that doesn’t show their face—a photo of a sunset or their dog, for instance—then you can call Airbnb’s Community Support. They’ll work with you to address the issue, and if you feel uncomfortable hosting someone without a photo that shows their face, you can request to cancel the reservation penalty-free.


As a reminder, Airbnb’s nondiscrimination policy prohibits hosts from making booking decisions or canceling reservations based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status. 


As an extra step, as always, you can require guests to provide a government ID to Airbnb in order to be able to book your space. You can read more about that process here.


Why these changes are important

We talked with lots of hosts and guests about profile photos, and we think these changes satisfy the core concerns and feedback we heard. We’ll be paying close attention to how these changes to profile photos affect our community, and will continue working to improve and simplify the process to ensure you feel comfortable hosting. We hope you’ll share your feedback with us so we can continue to build a community where everyone can belong. Thank you for hosting.




October, 2018


You've been asking a lot about guest profile photos, and Airbnb has been working on new policies to address your concerns. Here is an update from Airbnb:


Today, we’re announcing some changes we will be making to the way we display guest profile photos.


Moving forward, rather than displaying a potential guest’s profile photo before the booking is accepted, hosts will receive a guest’s photo in the booking process only after they’ve accepted the booking request. Airbnb does not require all guests to provide a photo. Instead, we’ll be giving hosts the option to ask their guests to provide a profile photo, which will only be presented to hosts after they accept the booking. We have discussed some of this work in the past and we want you to know more about the changes we will be making in the coming months.


We have participated in a number of conversations with hosts and guests regarding this topic. We have listened to our community, and while most guests provide a photo, some guests told us they don’t want to share a picture of themselves when booking. We also recognize that concerns have been raised about the potential for photos to be misused in a way that violates our nondiscrimination policy.


At the same time, hosts have told us that they value profile photos because they can help hosts and guests get to know one another before a trip begins and help hosts recognize guests when they check in. Additionally, we’ve seen how photos can be a useful tool for enhancing trust and promoting community.


We want to balance these concerns. Airbnb does not require guests to provide a profile photo when booking a listing and, as we discussed earlier this summer with our hosts, we will be implementing a series of changes in the months ahead:


  • If a guest chooses to provide a profile photo, that profile photo won’t be displayed to the host as part of the booking process until after the booking is confirmed.
  • Because some hosts value profile photos and want to be able to know who they can expect at their front door, we will give hosts the option to ask that guests provide a profile photo prior to booking, which will only be presented to the host after the host accepts the booking request. This new option comes with important safeguards that are designed to ensure our community is fair and open to everyone:
    • Hosts must turn on this feature for each of their listings proactively, before they receive a reservation request.
    • If a host asks for a profile photo, we’ll prompt guests to upload one to their Airbnb profile before they can request to book that host’s particular listing; however, the photo will not be presented to the host until after the booking is confirmed.


If a host cancels a reservation after they see a guest’s photo, the guest will have an easy way to contact Airbnb and report any concerns about potential discrimination by the host in violation of our nondiscrimination policy and Community Commitment. If any guest believes he or she has been discriminated against and notifies our team, we’ll immediately help them book an alternative listing consistent with our Open Doors Policy, investigate the report, and take appropriate action. Any host who violates our nondiscrimination policy may be permanently banned from using Airbnb.


This announcement follows the commitment we made in 2016 to evaluate how we display guest profile photos in the booking process. As we implement these changes in the coming months, we hope you’ll share your feedback with us so we can continue to make thoughtful changes that make the Airbnb community a place where everyone can belong.


1,229 Replies 1,229
Level 2
England, United Kingdom

Sorry Airbnb this is a bad mistake and an insult  as you are intimating that your hosts are not to be trusted to be non racist,. or non discriminating.

I want to know that the person who books is the person who will turn up. Additionally, the guest is able to see our photos but we won't be able to see theirs! It has unsettled me to the point I may have to reconsider wether to continue using Airbnb.

Please admit your mistake and reverse this ludicrous decision.

I am very concerned  and very unhappy about about this new rule.


I've been doing this for five years. And I said basically the same thing you said but we need to start a petition. I've signed many of them and they work! We have overturned many outrageous and ridiculous and foolish things like this that Airbnb has tried to forcibly project on us. Help me to find out how we start one and get it out to the masses here and then present it to Airbnb immediately as fast as we can. No one has agreed to this. These statistics etcetera or just words here in a message that they sent to us our complete lies. Let us as a group let them know immediately that we will not stand for this. That's how it works. I am a guest and travel the world as well as a host and I want my photo shown. Please let me know if you find out how we can do this I am looking around 4 how these people got these petitions started and presented them. There's forums here on Airbnb as well that I'm looking through thank you Holly

 Sorry voice to texting. If it's out of place or doesn't make sense I apologize LOL

Make your voice heard! Hello Holly, Did you know that Airbnb host guarantee does not cover 3rd party bookings? How are we going to be able to distinguish if a friend, co-worker, manager, agent, boss or simply a fraudulent transaction is happening and someone else is staying in your home instead? If we don’t have a profile picture we won’t be able to tell they are who they say they are.

I believe that guests should have a photo and at least one review if you are a homeshare host.. Homeshare hosts are not like a hotel and it is necessary to know who you will be sharing your home with ...

Level 3
Auckland, New Zealand

I do like to see who’s coming to my place personally. And I hate the ‘Hey, I’m .......!’ Hey seems aggressive to my ears in NZ. And why an exclamation mark?

I’ve shown a photo myself and written a profile that indicates who I am and what interests me. When a guest wants to turn up in the early hours of the morning yet has told me nothing about themselves I feel uncomfortable.

Until last week I allowed guests without reviews to stay - we all have to start somewhere. But after some unhelpful behaviour from two seperate guests - without profiles - I’ve withdrawn that option. We all need to be comfortable using the airbnb platform - surely?

Level 2
Fort Lauderdale, FL

This is total bulls;$&@... Airbnb is slowly showing its host they do not care about our safety and choosing to play the “discrimination” card, obviously their main concern is the company’s pocket.. thank God! This is not my main source of income.. every single person that comes into my home and will have to provide a picture,  if I ever do not feel comfortable with that person I will be canceling that reservation. why the secrecy ?!   I just checked my profile and as of now this option is not available to me.. a girl just got killed in Costa Rica at an Airbnb, you would think they would be a little disappointed 😞 

I agree, Nina.

We booked an Airbnb to stay at in Mexico over Christmas and my family was very concerned. If I wasn't an Airbnb host myself I wouldn't have booked. But I knew what I was looking for, etc. Pictures provide a certain level of confidence and understanding of who you are dealing with. It is a connection that is vital to Hosting and I, myself, rely on these photos. We as hosts provide numerous photos of our home and belongings, which in itself, gives a very clear picture of who we are as people. I expect the same, a photo of my proposed guest before I book them. Is that too much to ask?????

Just like the new real estate change, how easy is it for someone to case our homes and then come see it up close for a nominal fee. I have had rude people expose the fact that I am often not in my home at certain times and that makes me very vulnerable.

Welcome to the internet world of scam possibilities!

Level 2
Tbilisi, Georgia

This option is very confusing and unnecessary. Air bnb is an open source and comunitty where the trust between persons is the main issue. So please dont play the hide and seek game like a kids.

Level 2
Toowoomba, Australia

Perhaps Airbnb can put together an anti-discrimination course/video. Hosts can take it/view it, and attach it to their host profile to reassure guests we aren’t (and have never) discriminated against guests based on looks, race, religion, etc. 


Guests that for whatever ridiculous reason don’t want to display a profile photo during the booking process (I still don’t understand this as a host and guest myself) can search out these hosts if they feel they may be discriminated against based on a photo? Trying to offer some solutions here...


As a host in the meantime, I will deny/cancel guests that don’t provide a proper profile photo during (if possible) or after the booking process.

I think we can all pretty much agree that if we were the kind of close minded people who would discriminate to the level implied we would not be AirBnB hosts to begin with!!!!

Level 3
Auckland, New Zealand

It is irritating..... that option is not yet available down here in Aotearoa/NewZealand. Is airbnb discriminating against its smaller players at the bottom of the planet?

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Barry27,


Thank you for your feedback in this discussion. Airbnb are currently rolling out the option enabling you to set a requirement that your guests provide a profile photo. Many hosts can see this option now and this will be available to all hosts over the coming weeks. Please keep an eye out for this in your settings. If you can please do keep me updated on this from your side. 






Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.

Yes, good move.

Level 5
Brighton, United Kingdom

Airbnb, looks like you have scored an amazing own goal here...