We’ve noticed a lot of discussion lately about the update...
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We’ve noticed a lot of discussion lately about the updated Superhost criteria, so we wanted to explain why we made this up...
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There’s nothing like getting a “job well done!” when you’ve worked hard. And so many of you do go the extra mile to create magical stays for your guests. Our team that works on reviews knows how much positive feedback matters. So during one team brainstorm, they came up with this idea: What if we gave guests a way to quickly and easily specify what was so great about their stay with a host? We could identify the most common themes that guests love about their top-rated trips and list them out for guests to choose from. Fast forward to today and their idea is coming to life. Here are the top seven themes that emerged:
Now when a guest gives their trip an overall rating of 4-5 stars, they’re automatically prompted to give a little more detail about what made it memorable. Guests can choose as many of the seven compliments as they like, and (as always) they can elaborate on their experience in their own words in public or private feedback. So the next time you wow your guests, here’s what they’ll see:
And we’ve added a special “Compliments” section to your review summary when you’re viewing it from the Airbnb app on your mobile phone—so you’re sure to see what they appreciated about your space and your hosting style. The team is adding the final touches to this feature on the web, so soon you’ll see the Compliments section when you’re on your computer as well.
There’s more soon to come. We’re working on ways to make these compliments show up in guest searches so that they can see what makes your hospitality shine. It’s another way to help set guest expectations and reach your hosting goals. Whether you already have a few compliments, or you’re looking forward to that first one, we’re cheering you on.
I do think all the additional pictures will be one more way for people to get into "the weeds". I am NOT a fan.
What baffles me...when the guest gives a 5-star review in every category and then rates the overall experience as 4 star.
Also, and this has only happened a couple of times, when I continually check and see if they need anything and they say “no, everything is perfect” and on the review they complain about running out of toilet paper!
Finally, i’ve had complaints about the lack of a TV! It’s clearly stated in the description!
I'm new to AirBnB as I have hosted 6 guests, so far. Something I'd like to see is the guest be required to leave feedback for the host before the host leaves feedback for the guests. I'm prompted, very quickly after someone checks out, to leave feedback for my guest. I'd like the guest to leave feedback first, and then AirBnB prompt me to leave feedback after that.
I have 5 star rating for my place and this will be a step backwards for me. My guests are all very knowlegable about Pattaya, some even more than me. How can they give 5 stars for local tips if I don't need to give any. Also stylish place is unreal as a category. A stylish place for one person maybe totally the opposite for another. Thoughtful touches? what does that even mean. If you want to introduce endless categories then there has to be also a weighting with each category. Is Thoughtful touches as important as sparkiling clean or outstanding hospitality. I think not. Why would you try to fix something that works perfectly well.
Very much appreciated! Thank you so much. It helps us Hosts keep striving that much more to continue to impress our guests and think outside the box.
Very happy with this upgrade it was very much needed.
In all your deliberations, it would be great if you could consider including a space to recognise the efforts of co-hosts, seeing as more often than not, they're the ones interacting with the guests. Hosts often qualify for "Superhost" status through the actions of co-hosts but you don't have a way of acknowledging co-hosts?
Limiting compliments to seven categories when there are dozens of other potential compliments that could be given is a total disservice to the host and to future guests. Details such as privacy, wildlife viewing, art work, parking, comfortable bed, plenty of hot water, hiking trails nearby, nice view, you-name-it, are irrelevant in this scoring system, yet just as important to guests.
There needs to be a revamp of who is éigible as Superhost with all the new guest details being edited on top of what they are already reviewing. It's going to become more and more impossible to receive a perfect 5 star rating - no one wants to give a perfect rating even when it WAS perfect. And one small thing - say a dustball that got missed - can lower the rating, not to mention liars amd haters who leave a nasty review that may not be true and we are stuck with as hosts.There are so many good hosts who are missing out on this program for all the wrong reasons because it is too strict in criteria given our reality. We are not Diamond Star hotels!
GUEST MUST be told to be careful with their reviews, and unless a host lied about location, amenities etc, to review based on the actual bloody listing - NOT what they thought it said, what they hoped it said, but what it ACTUALLY SAID.
These are homes and NOT 5 star hotels. In many cases people are welcoming you into their HOME. Its a team sport which means that guests need to communicate anything that may be wrong while they are on the premises to give the host a opportunity to correct the situation.
Non-communicative guests hurt hosts more than anything else. Their own shortcomings in communications should NOT cost hosts. IF there is something negative then they should be asked - DID YOU discuss this with the host? Did the host help you with the issue? etc etc
Its all so subjective - got a 4 star review for location when the bus taking people to the wedding was literally two stop lights away - stuff like that makes me crazy and you have to wonder why someone would be so unkind or so stupid. Give people the power of a review without clear guidlines and they smell power and its not always a good thing.
When you have a string of great reviews - there should be a flag that comes up when one person comes along and decides to be a jerk for whatever reason. We should be able, based on history to challenge such a review.
I totally agree with you, this new rating system is asking everyone to be a critic, instead of a tourist, as a photographer i know if you show someone a photo at first they will love it, then if you say can you spot the mistake, they will look really and find lots of things they might think is wrong, its too dark, too light, too sharp, too many people in it, too few people in it. etc etc. stop asking people to criticise, rather just ask them what they reall enjoyed, if something was really wrong they will say. like with a photo ask them if they like it, you'll get an honest responce, but ask them to spot the mistake !!! and they will find lots, even if its perfect. now we are left with a choice, to get perfect reviews we will have to have top class linen ,silver cutlery, champagne on ice, 64 inch lcd hd tv, gold taps, etc,etc. and as a result, next year in order to maintain my superhost status i will double my price, as nowwhere does it ask the guests to take into account the price they paid, yes it asks them about value for money but most guests passing through have booked several places varieing in price from high to low but cannot remember at the time of reviewing which was which as they paid on booking a month or two ago, so yes airbnb seems to have lost its direction as a home space rental system and gone towards being an accomodation appraisel and criticing system, but it has helped a lot of people get started, so thanks for that, but asking people to come and spot whats wrong with your home is not very nice at the best of times, after all its your home not a hotel. so maybe its time too move on to VRBO, or Booking .com or another platform, one that reminds people that they are saving by staying in someones home and not having to book into a five star hotel, and they hopefully will have the benifit of a host who cares and looks after them tells them all the great places to go etc. all that being said some advice is useful, but isnt it funny how people will write it down in a review after they have gone, but not tell you to your face, i even had a guest that i took off the beaten track to show them a beach that has a couple of small luxury cottages to rent, all be it at ten times the price of my place, and there review said, my place was nice but not as nice as the places they saw at the beach. should i stop taking people to nice places or what, apples should be compared to apples not avocadoes.
Uma ótima idéia. Ajuda-nos a melhorar o nosso desempenho.
I think airbnb needs to open up a forum for guests. Let them read our comments and see how frustrating and difficult it is to be a host. In turn let guests vent why they were unhappy. This will also provide hosts to understand where our guests are coming from vice versa. Maybe by allowing better communication between guests and hosts on this platform, we can end “the us against them mentality” and everyone will be happy.
Compliments are good idea I am new to airbnb and want to give a great service.
However if guests are asked to give these and they choose 1 or 2 of the 7 possible catagorys then for me , all it does is raise questions as to why they haven't checked the other catagorys. I think they should be asked to qualify there answers which would give me an idea of where i need to improve. All my 6 guest groups have given me a 5 - great feedback, but how come my compliments look like this:
Amazing amenities; 6
Stylish space: 6
Thoughtful touches: 5 Q: What constitutes a thoughtful touch - surely this is objective
Local tips: 5
sparkling clean: 5 Q You could eat of any surface in their rooms - so why only the 5 . So for me to learn and improve, how can I as this is not backed up by explanation. did she see something I didn't!!
Quick responses: 5 Q: all of these have been with the hr criteria everytime, if not sooner so why?
Out standing Hospitality: 4 Q: I have selected the category that states that I am available for the guests if they need me , and not the category that I have to be there and entertain them throughout their stay - although this varies as I feel I am needed. Many of our visitors are tired and want peace, so why a 4.
So in summery the compliments aren't helping me improve if I don't have an explanation. I am glad the compliments aren't available to the public.. phew
Location always seems to cause an issue with guests. I had one guest rate location as a 4 because we were not close to a gas station. Now I say it all in our listings We are rural, 15 mins to gas station and grocery store both close at 8:00pm. I have not had a problem with location rating since.