Information about offering a bungalow in Goa

Information about offering a bungalow in Goa

We have a property, old bungalow in Cancona, South Goa. At present it is unoccupied & we are staying in Mumbai. Does AIRBNB take this property for 2-3 years, develop it and rent it out?




2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


Airbnb is a booking platform, not a property manager.

So you need to find somebody on site to manage the renting for you.

It can be a co-host or a (commercial) property manager.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

Airbnb aren't developers. If you wanted to list it for rent, you would have to invest in the necessary repairs ad renovations to bring it up to a state that is suitable for renting.
