New security camera policy is unreasonable

Level 9
Boston, MA

New security camera policy is unreasonable

I presume all hosts received an email from Airbnb about security cameras, in which it says, "You’re not allowed to have cameras that monitor indoor spaces." That is completely unfair. The basic Abode security system that I have has a motion sensor with a camera that takes a snapshot if the sensor is triggered when the alarm is on, to get a picture of who or what is moving in the hallway. I disclose this in my listing, and I have a small curtain that guests can pull to cover the camera if they are concerned about privacy. Airbnb is essentially forcing me to get a different security system. How are other hosts dealing with this?

243 Replies 243

what are you talking about? you havent had an issue in four years, then you are lucky, i am in a big metro city, the camera is disclosed and i dont watch anyone like ahawk...when we have obvious violations we go back and review the camera, duh...why am i even responding you made assumptions and showed why you never should. it is my right to not pick guest with no reviews. they have a ton of other places to choose from in atlanta and if you dont like it guess what you dont ever have to stay here you can stay in the many other options...that is the whole point choose what works for you! goodbye!

I think if it's DECLARED that there are cameras inside and where they are, then if the guest is uncomfortable with it, they don't need to book my listing. It's my house and i live there too. Guests aren't the only people who come into my home. 

Further you have house keeping maids etc coming who need to be observed. Some day any guest can raise questions about missing belonging etc. Where and how then Airbnb will help? 

Why should it matter if the camera is indoors, in a common area? If you disclose it on your listing and the guest still books your place, then they are aware you have cameras and know where they are. If guests do not want to stay at a place with cameras, then they should book at a place that doesn't use cameras. There are plenty out there. Airbnb shouldn't be telling hosts how to secure their properties. 


Even with a policy that bans indoor cameras in common areas, you still will have perverts hiding cameras in their homes. 


My house is a former monastery. We rent the rooms out. We have cameras in most public spaces. Mainly front and back door lobby, fire stairwells and hallways. Its like a hotel. But we don't have them in their private rooms. However, we are told we have to take them out. Airbnb is not our only STR platform. So before I remove them, I will stop using their service. if that's the game they want to play. 

As a Host who has interior cameras for years with no negative guests experience.  I have never had to use because of bad guest behavior,  Just like a guest doesn't want recordings in their private areas I do not either.   I don't want a  camera where I am changing or doing anything that I would have to worry about being made public.  Video of me cooking in the kitchen a shared area I have already agreed that my activities maybe public.

Most shared hosts knows not to have cameras in private bedrooms and shared bathrooms. But to take away live in hosts who shares hallways and common areas will be dangerous for hosts and guests. Especially a shared house with multiple bedrooms with strangers. I will be closing down my calendar before the 30th. Luckily I had paid off my mortgage 2 months ago. Direct bookings only. Airbnb do not own me or my house.

Level 8
England, United Kingdom

Absolutely agrees with you, Airbnb doesn't own me or my house,  and my security is paramount, I am a live in host and lives alone. 

The cheek of this policy is unimaginable 


Level 2
South Jakarta, Indonesia

I only want to point out the need for announcement to hosts if / when this new policy will be revoked, just in case there are hosts who would return to this platform only when the policy is revoked. Thank you.

Why is Airbnb forcing us to publish the exact location of our security equipment in a public way for everyone to see? 

Of course, the existence of security cameras HAS to be disclosed to potential guests - information that should be posted public.

However, the sensitive information of the location of said security installation should only be communicated with individuals who are supposed to be staying at the accommodation which should be communicated in a non-public way via Airbnb chat messages, reservation details and/or direct information provided by the host to the guest in person.

Why would I want the entire world to know which type of security equipment is located in what part of my property? This entirely defeats the purpose of using security cameras?!?!?

I totally agree. Our listing clearly states we have security cameras on the perimeter of the main house, our personal residence, and there are no indoor or outdoor cameras on the Airbnb unit, which sits behind our home, but yet I get an email notifying me of the change in policy and the need to disclose the location of the outdoor cameras. No, I will not disclose the location of my outdoor cameras as they are on my personal residence and it is clearly stated on the listing that presence of security cameras on the perimeter of the main home only. I did reach out to Airbnb customer support and received a phone call within an hour letting me know I am fine since it’s already disclosed etc…I requested a follow up to our conversation in writing which I received shortly thereafter. 

I am seriously considering moving my business to another platform as Airbnb seems to be stripping away host(s) protection bit by bit…



God to hear that Airbnb got back to you can clarified your situation. I'm still waiting for a response...

Level 2
Toronto, Canada

I contacted Airbnb yesterday and the agent clearly mentioned that no indoor camera at all it doesn't matter if sharing house or whole house listing and must disclose the outdoor camera. As me and my family live in the house, I don't feel safe without indoor camera. In my experienced, some guest sneak extra guests and because of my indoor camera I was easily reported to Airbnb with the evidence from indoor camera. I guess I have to take the priority what's more important and absolutely my family safety is #1. I will temporary delisted my listing by April 30 and wait and see if any of camera rules changed. 

Level 2
Chicago, IL

I agree. FYI I rent a room in my apartment. 'whole homes' and 'rooms' are completely different types of listing, and should be treated as such. I give my guests enough credit to understand that too..... There's no reasonable expectation of privacy in a shared space, which all my guests understand upon booking. As others have mentioned, they can simply choose not to book if cameras are unacceptable.


All of which to say, a blanket policy like this just doesn't make sense. (As an example, I cannot add external cameras as the building is managed by an HOA, so this essentially means I cannot have any personal security cameras at all...)


I've escalated to Superhost support - I'll update here if I get anything useful back!

I got a response from support having explicitly asked about how this new rule would apply to common areas in listings like mine which have non-private spaces like a kitchen or hallway:


“As long as the cameras is in the common area. Also, you have advertised it then you are allowed to have the camera on there. The important thing is to not have cameras in bedroom, and comfort room. Those kinds of private area.”

This would make sense, but doesn’t match the language of the policy change email. I’ve asked why the email and support don’t match and haven’t had a response yet. 

Perhaps they didn't take enough time to consider regarding common spaces in the sharing house and unilaterally notified us as usual. 
Thank you for issuing to superhost support.
I had 2 guests fighting in my guesthouse; One of them insulted the other one racially.
But I can't judge who is right because I didn't have cctv in the living room and they fought there. So I set a cctv in the living room since then. Airbnb should have received enough opinions from its host before they sent us this amendment.
Glad to hear that you got a response that we can set a cctv in the common area.