Not getting enough bookings

Not getting enough bookings

Hi, I have made a new listing in Dalston, Shoreditch but I'm not getting enough bookings in this busy season. However this property is also in a busy area. What's wrong with this listing? Can anyone please help me? I have attached my property link here. It will be much appreciated. Thanks.

6 Replies 6
Level 2
Lingfield, United Kingdom

Hi @Shah473 , 


I am experiencing a similar issue, one reason I don't live in a busy area like Shoreditch, however I am in the UK and our weather literally might be impacting people's movements. I know for people traveling in the UK some people have cancelled short trips etc and used the accommodation money they are saving for day trips etc instead. Also cost of living and travel all play a significant role in impacting people's decisions to spend time away. Just a thought hope it picks up soon.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Shah473 , Welcome to the Community Center and congratulations on starting your hosting journey 🌻. You've already started receiving support from other Hosts. Did you get a chance to read the response from Lorna and Helen?


As we continue to receive supportive comments from experienced Hosts in the Community, I would like to introduce you to some of the guides created by experienced Hosts in our Community. These guides offer valuable tips and reference materials that you may find useful. Hope it helps!



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Level 2
Lingfield, United Kingdom

BTW property is lovely

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

London is a massively oversaturated market with falling demand.,did you check supply and demand for your sort of listing before setting up @Shah473 

Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ


Suggestions  acomodaticio too many people your coming  up  in  a  search for 8 adult's  and two adults in the living room  and it   says air bed  compared  to  listings   with  4  bedrooms  with  4   beds  that is hard  competition.

Also   check your amenities  I   have seen a lot of computer errors..  Yours says no essentials and no private entrance

I suggest  change  occupancy to six   but mention    the air  bed in your   description for  like  kids..  People  with   kids will  look   at lower occupancy rates  because  they might  get  a   little  cheaper.

Level 3
Salem, OR

  1. Okay I just went through your whole list ing and the first thing think you should probably change is your cover photo.   it's a picture of  an outdoor patio , and the listing says a whole three-bedroom apartment ... Truthfully I don't care what the patio looks like that's not where I am going to be hanging out most of the time, it's a nice feature to have but it's not what's going to make me stay at your place ... I would have picked one of the living room photos probably the one  that's taken from behind the dining room table , so it can show the spread of the place...I also have an issue with how formal it sounds it bothers me that you say" welcome to your stay in dalston "several times in the listing.  Your neighborhood's highlight section is way too long that is just I'm not reading all that if I'm looking for a place to stay what I'm looking for is is this in a city is this in a neighborhood that mostly is occupied by homeowners and college kids like a paragraph or less five sentences that's it! all of that information you gave is nice to know but you should put that in Your city guidebook not the neighborhood highlights. And then the getting around part you say the welcome to dalston thing again all of that is too much all's you need to say is 4-minute walk to the overground stations,  tell how far The bus or transit station is from your house, And maybe mention that there is the rent of bikes. as for myself I always have my car with me so I would want to know also is there parking there if I bring my car do you have to pay for it is it ?off site? is it secure? is it in a garage? And then you have the section that says the travel times to certain places put that in your city guidebook because if they're not from the area they're not going to know what you're referencing anyway so that's just all too much to read..  Your place is gorgeous, and it's stylish, and the furnishings and decor all go together great, but the bathroom looks a little industrial/sterile... I would roll 3 towels and stack them in a pyramid on the left side of the counter, just to make it look more familiar/home like.  Even if it's just for the picture for the listing, little things like that matter.  I think your pictures would also be a lot better if you took them in landscape mode, and further back, turn on all the lights and open curtains for the pics... I absolutely love that huge frames "t" in the dining room, that is so good looking!!