Enquiry from new user without reviews

Level 1
London, GB

Enquiry from new user without reviews

Hello. I got a query for reservation from someone who joined this month and only has email address as profile verification. In my settings I set the potential guests to have Government ID and good reviews as requirements. Why this user is able to send me enquiries that I now need to decline?

5 Replies 5
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Anyone can send an enquiry to our listings @Julia2585 


Only guests who meet your requirements should be able to instant book.


With an enquiry all you need to do is reply to it- you don't need to accept or decline it, even though Airbnb make it look like you do.


Paul 🙂

@Julia2585   Your settings only apply to Instant Bookings. Any user can still send an inquiry for any active listing.

Level 10
La Quinta, CA

Air BNB is a public platform as is this discussion.  Hope that isn't uncomfortable for you.  Takes a while to really understand the ins and outs.  Welcome to hosting!

Level 1
London, GB

Thank you - helpful to know! Also, it turns out the user had a full verification but it didn't show up on my app only on laptop. Great tip re not declining - learning for the future! 🙂


Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@Julia2585  also welcome to the world of Airbnb "glitches" 🙂