Guest No Show - Although in Contact and has *not* cancelled

Level 5
West Kirby, United Kingdom

Guest No Show - Although in Contact and has *not* cancelled

Advice appreciated - on-going situation at t date/time of post.

1) Guest due to arrive Monday (of this week). Does not arrive. Sends me message - "trouble with car, will arrive tomorrow" (Tuesday)

2) This situation basically carries on for each day of the booking. I am paid by Airbnb on the Tuesday (as normal). No guest has arrived.


3) It is now Wednesday and they have just messaged again - "still trouble with car, hoping to be there for the last nigh, tomorrow".


4) They are due to checkout Friday. I cannot extend, as I have another guest booked for Saturday arrival.


5) If (assume 'if') guest arrives tomorrow, it will be for 1 night of a 4 night booking.


6) Assume 'trouble with car' is genuine. 


(They seem genuine, and are just have a bout of misfortune) 

What would you do? Would you offer a partial refund as a pure goodwill gesture? If so - how would go about delivering such a gesture?


(My terms are flexible, cancellation up to 24 hours before. So far, no sign in any messages of any refund demands)


Thank all, Chris

Chris, UK
1 Best Answer

@Chris1492  in the past, it has never been my experience that Airbnb refunded guests who did not show up or complete their bookings. But if the guest hasn't even started talking about refunds yet, that might not even come up. They might just be one of those decent travelers that has realistic expectations and/or travel insurance - despite the horror stories, there are plenty of those out there!


If the guest never arrives for the booking, a review isn't necessary. But if you do decide to write one, just report honestly on how the communication concludes. I would welcome a no-show guest who politely updates about travel delays and makes no fuss about money, but anyone who has ever requested a refund is an instant Decline. 

16 Replies 16

@Chris1492 A refund is not necessary here, because you were unable to re-book the dates while they were being held by your guest.  They could have taken advantage of your flexible cancellation policy if they wanted to cut their losses, but they voluntarily chose to keep the place reserved in case they could make it. 


If the guests never arrive by their checkout date, but you'd be happy to host them some other time, you might consider offering a token discount toward their next booking. Perhaps something roughly equal to the money you will have saved on cleaning and utilities since the home was unused. But I'd only offer it as an informal deal for a future stay, not a refund .

Level 5
West Kirby, United Kingdom

@Anonymous thanks for your comments. You raise good points:


1) They did not cancel (so far) and so I have *not* been able to release the dates: excellent point.

2) I could offer a discount off a future booking - also a good point.


If they arrive tomorrow, then they will have used 1 night from the 4 they have booked. If they do not arrive at all, then I believe they might be able to recover the cleaning fee from Airbnb (?) and maybe some part of the Airbnb fee (?) - however, I believe that is all.


Thanks again for your input. Chris


Chris, UK

@Chris1492  They most definitely won't refund the Airbnb fee. What might likely happen (I hope not) is that the guests contact Airbnb and some CS rep ignores policy and refunds them all of the booking. Except for the Airbnb fees. And takes that money out of your future payments. 

Level 5
West Kirby, United Kingdom

Hi @Sarah977 I'd be surprised if that happened, although I take your point. There is an extensive email trail available and it clearly shows that the difficulty in fulfilling the booking lies with the guest. You raise a good point through, so I will a sharp eye on the booking, thanks. 

Chris, UK

"I'd be surprised if that happened.......There is an extensive email trail available and it clearly shows that the difficulty in fulfilling the booking lies with the guest." 


That matters not a whit, unfortunately, @Chris1492 . Just have a read of this forum to see how often incompetent CS reps do exactly that. The overhelming majority are not even familiar with policy.

Level 5
West Kirby, United Kingdom

Hi @Colleen253 - thanks for your input. It's 0830 in the morning of the final day - so the guest either arrives today for a 1 night stay, or misses his complete 4 night booking.


That lies in the future, and we'll know in the next 24 hours what happened. Thereafter he may or may not raise the matter with Airbnb, who may, or may not take action.


I do take the general point made in other forum posts, that the company tends to lean in favour of the guest. But - as I say - I'm not in that position - yet...


The action suggested by @Anonymous seems a good middle ground (discount on another stay).


In the meantime, I'm staying in touch via email (Airbnb) and remaining sympathetic to his situtaion. If you think there are other things I ought to do, very happy to read them.


One area for the near future (whether he arrives or not), will be: "What do I do about the  review"? (I might make this a separate post, depedning on what happens today).


Thanks, Chris 

Chris, UK

@Chris1492  in the past, it has never been my experience that Airbnb refunded guests who did not show up or complete their bookings. But if the guest hasn't even started talking about refunds yet, that might not even come up. They might just be one of those decent travelers that has realistic expectations and/or travel insurance - despite the horror stories, there are plenty of those out there!


If the guest never arrives for the booking, a review isn't necessary. But if you do decide to write one, just report honestly on how the communication concludes. I would welcome a no-show guest who politely updates about travel delays and makes no fuss about money, but anyone who has ever requested a refund is an instant Decline. 

Level 5
West Kirby, United Kingdom

My view exactly @Anonymous . Thank you. We'll be wiser in the next 24 hours. (I sent a message early this morning, asking how they were getting on, and what their plans are....). En verra.

Chris, UK

Just follow the procedures and regulations, do not refund any money and calculate the exact number of hours that they have booked.

**[Link removed due to safety reasons - Community Center Guidelines

Level 5
West Kirby, United Kingdom

Hi Anna,


Thanks for your suggestion. It's 0830 in the morning of the final day - so the guest either arrives today for a 1 night stay, or misses his complete 4 night booking.


We'll know in the next 24 hours what happened. I like the suggestion of by @Andrew0 to offer a discount on another stay.


We'll see what happens.... Chris

Chris, UK
Level 5
West Kirby, United Kingdom

To bring you all up to speed with the story:


> The guest did not arrive (at all) - so they missed their entire booking.


> I have messaged them since, sympathising with their position (regarding travel problems, etc). I offered a discount on a future booking, if that was something they would like to do.


> I've had a perfectly reasonable message in response, thanking me for the offer, and saying it was something they would like to do.


As regards a 'review'  - no booking took place, and so I can't really leave one. From what I can see, there is no way to leave a 'text only' review (and avoid awarding the stars). I don't mind leaving a factual review as to what happened, but there seems no way to do this - if you don't fill in the star rating, you don't get the 'Next' button.

Unless anyone has any bright ideas, I think we're at the end of the road on this one... 

Chris, UK

@Chris1492  Considering that this guest sounds reasonable, what I would do is message them and let them know that because the booking wasn't cancelled, that you will both receive a notice to review. But since the guest never arrived, there is nothing to review, so you are going to ignore the review prompt, and assume they will, too.


You are correct, you can't skip the ratings and just leave a written review. It's really stupid.

Level 5
West Kirby, United Kingdom

Excellent idea @Sarah977 , thanks very much for the tip. I will exactly that.

Chris, UK

This thread was helpful to me as I have a guest due tomorrow and no communication from them after I sent the check-in instructions.  It is for a location that I am not able to be there for check-in.  I assume Airbnb will make a payout the day after guest was suppose to check in, even if she does not?

Thanks for any insight you can provide.