UK Booking requests during lockdown

Level 3
Reading, United Kingdom

UK Booking requests during lockdown

I assume we aren't allowed to accept any guests during the lock down? are AirBNB offering any kind of income protection for lost earnings?

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

@Paul75  That’s incorrect - have you read the UK government legislation?  there are still quite a few groups you can host include those coming to your area for work.  Make sure they provide you with evidence that they have a work contract. 


Airbnb is a listing company it is not up to them to protect our income. 


- as hosts it’s our business -  so up to us to keep some of our profits aside in our business for times when business is lean. 

I do hope you get the bookings you need going forward. Do look at other channels rather than relying on Airbnb. 

Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

@Paul75 Nb para 11.


This morning a potential guest messaged saying she & her boyfriend wanted to book the weekend at mine & were desperate to get away.....(!) I politely replied that holidays were now against the gov. rules, so I'd like here not to book, & advised her not to book elsewhere either.... Her reply to my info: "Oh f**k off!" - And she was the THIRD holiday maker trying her luck post 31 Oct lockdown announcement. (I'd close my calendar if I'm going to be bombarded with rude & abusive "guests", but I want to keep it open for workers, including folk who've stayed before & might come back....)