strange booking request

strange booking request

Dear Community,

I'm new in hosting here, started just a month ago but very successfully.

I need your help abt a booking enquiry I received yesterday for today, from a person with a new profile (just name)  and no reviews, who asked me to contact her mobile number written in letters and not in figures from a foreign country,  because she wanted to ask some questions. I asked her to continue messaging through Airbnb and to complete her profile before I could proceed with a pre-approval of the booking, but she never answered.

I don't like to refuse bookings but this way of enquiring sounds very weird to me, and I don't feel safe. Can you suggest me how to proceed? Thanks!

4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Silvia1819 I would both ignore the guest and report the guest. It sounds like the typical split payment scam which would both lose you money and potentially get you de-listed from the platform.

@Silvia1819  Thousands of hosts have received an identical message. It's a scam.  


As long as you've sent a reply of some kind to the initial inquiry ("no" is sufficient), you need not have any further contact.

Thanks all, that’s what I thought! 

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


If it is an inquiry (not a booking request), just do not proceeed. (on inquiries no obligation to decline after question is answerred). You can report the message (using "flag"link) and/or the guest (using link at bottom of profile).