Accuracy of location on the Airbnb map

Level 2
Ghent, Belgium

Accuracy of location on the Airbnb map

Again I got a bad remark from renters who pointed out that the location of my appartment on the map of Airbnb not at all correct is. 

I called to the office a while ago but they told me there was nothing they could do about that. 

Are any of you hosts having the same problem ??? 

2 Antwoorden 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


You can see for yourself if location is correct:

Best regards,


Level 10
Bilthoven, Netherlands


Via advertentiegegevens, =>lokatie kun je op de kaart je lokatie aanpassen.
Let op: jemoet de kaart verschuiven, niet de "pointer" 

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