Enquete Airbnb

Enquete Airbnb


We have made a small survey about using this platform, and we would appreciate it if you could help us out by filling it in. It will only take about 2 minutes of your time.

Survey Airbnb: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScMUIFxbx8yGGC7E9AAUfWvBu_W2rpfDXujPflx0etsO06gog/viewform

Thank you

2 Antwoorden 2

hello Stefan,

I wanted to ask you if maybe you could share the answers you got on the survey? Me and my friend are doing a research about Airbnb's for our school project. The questions you asked do resemble our questions. So if you would share the answers I would really apreciate that.


Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


Maybe post in on the community for English language for bigger audience:


BTW i did not complete the survey, questions are too general.

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