this article true???? Please assure me this is a misunderstanding...

Level 6
Richmond, Canada this article true???? Please assure me this is a misunderstanding...

AirBNB Goes Anti-Semitic


On Monday, AirBNB, the home-rental company that is often used by tourists to rent apartments in locations around the globe, announced that it would not allow Jewish settlements to be listed in Judea and Samaria. AirBNB stated:

We concluded that we should remove listings in Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank that are at the core of the dispute between Israelis and Palestinians.

This is the sheerest form of corporate anti-Semitism in recent memory. Not only did AirBNB specifically target “Israeli settlements,” according to Professor Eugene Kontorovich of George Mason Law, they’ve announced that they will only disallow listings in Israeli settlements when those listings are owned by Jews. In other words, if a Jew owns an apartment in East Jerusalem, that won’t be allowed for listing; if an Arab owns an apartment in the same neighborhood, it’s fine for listing.

This is absurd. As Dr. Michael Oren points out, AirBNB lists apartments in Turkish-occupied Cyprus, the Moroccan-occupied Sahara, Chinese-occupied Tibet and Russian-occupied Crimea. Not only that, but AirBNB allows listings in a wide variety of countries without any democratic rights and with wildly discriminatory policies.

Judea and Samaria are disputed territories, not “occupied” territories. Israel controls those territories thanks to repeated refusal by Arab states that repeatedly declared war on Israel to accept any peace deal. Radical Muslim anti-Semites and their left-wing apologists insist not only that these territories be turned over to the terrorist Palestinian Authority for control, but that Jews evacuate those territories entirely, making them Judenrein. Remember, this AirBNB policy isn’t targeting the Israeli government — it’s targeting Jews themselves for living in areas under international dispute.

Leaders of the BDS movement are explicitly anti-Semitic, calling openly for the end of Israel’s existence. The very notion of labeling Jewish products from particular areas for boycott is reminiscent of Nazi policy directed against Jews. As Alan Dershowitz writes:

The boycott against Israel and its Jewish supporters (to many Palestinians, all of Israel is one big "settlement"; just look at any map of Palestine) began before any "occupation" or "settlements" and picked up steam just as Israel offered to end the "occupation" and settlements as part of a two-state solution that the Palestinians rejected. BDS is not a protest against Israel's policies. It is a protest against Israel's very existence.

Still, the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement (BDS) is gaining serious steam on the mainstream Left these days thanks to the intersectional notion that Jews rank high on the hierarchy of privilege. Such thinking allows anti-Semitism to thrive across the world, and particularly in the Middle East. AirBNB’s latest move is simply the best evidence yet that the intersectional Leftist ideology has invaded the corporate world, and that anti-Semitism is perfectly acceptable among otherwise “woke” actors on the Left.


This article can be found on The Daily Wire...somehow I can't embed the link...

143 Replies 143

You lost me on your comments over Ireland. Following peace accords we don't have a wall, soldiers, or violence between the two parts of the country. They show what can be achieved if you have a desire for peace...

Yes it takes two willing partners and Israel is still waiting for a willing one from the Fakestinians.


 Israel has offered on 5 different occasions practically the entire regions to the Fakestinians for peace and they never accepted.  Because peace is not what they seek, but rather the destruction of Israel.  Watch this video and get educated on the facts:

Mate, you been there lately?  Maybe you went to a different Ireland.
- We went last year, the walls are big, the hatred in the signs, in the shop products in the stores - especially from the Protestant side as you walk down "disputed roads" is rather nasty. Up the mainly catholic side, they were simultaneously renewing barbed wire on some walltops, while repainting and painting new partisan murals about the invaders and protestants.
There were ashes from the fires burned previous days during their "marching season" down by St. Matthews, near the orange man lodges, and lots of signs saying "never forgive" referring to the Catholic Snipers who gunned down protestants some decades back; and 3 weeks later when our daughter visited, she was walking back from the Titanic quarter and found herself caught between rioting catholic youth and the police with shields and tear gas.
After sheltering in shop doorways and ducking around for half an hour she ran screaming towards the row of shields and they let her through.
July and August 2017 that was.

"Historical maps", even if they exist, provide no legitimacy. What matters is what is recognised by the international legal consensus. And the so-called Judea and Samaria are not.

"Historical scriptures": aside from being a rather nonsensical term, again, have no legitimacy. Whatever these scriptures say is true is a question of belief founded on unverifiable stories inspired by an unverifiable god. It would be useful to hear something from him on the matter. Perhaps he could leave a post here, Mike?

Zionist Jews received special treatment in the creation of Israel. The world carved out a country from another people's land. Though unjust, the boundaries were set clearly in Resolution 181, passed by the United Nations General Assembly in 1947, and as Chomsky says, those events can now be taken as given, up to 1967, and Israel exists. It is understandable that people feel indignant at the cheek of then going on to claim and seize more. This plays a major part in selecting Israel's violations of international law and human rights ahead of other states that have not benefited from such favoured treatment. It has nothing to do with hating Jews. It's the cheek of it. Moreover, the violations by Israel are long standing, grave, and ongoing, and have a global implication that other conflicts do not. On these counts alone it warrants the special attention it receives, and the by-now automatic smear of anti-Semitism whenever Israel is called to account for these violations is wearing thin.

Hey Nigel, Oops you did again and got your facts wrong.  Historical maps and much more are documented in museums through out the world with verified authenticity of Israel being the Jewish homeland for over 3ooo years dude.  So they do matter except maybe for you, BDS and the UN cronies.  They give Israel Legitimecy and have no record of Fakestinians after they were fabricated in the loss of the 1967 war by all the arab countires.


As for you rant about the UN special treatment of Israel with cheeks to cheek bla bla bla.  Yes the UN has singled out Israel as it's token scapegoat for being the only democratic society that has progressed far more than all the surrounding arab countries that have far more funds.  Go figure!


So btw, when are you going to post your ID and a bit more about yourself like the rest of us true AirBNB members here?!?  Or did your bosses at BDS tell you not to since you just joined in the past couple weeks for this issue?


Man you are so obvious.....


Again ... AirBNB should stay out of Politics!



Level 4
London, United Kingdom

This really is a ridiculous comparison. The 2 situations are a million miles apart. There is presently a peace agreement in place - signed for by both the British Government and the Republican movement in Northern Ireland. Unless I missed something in the news, I have yet to hear of the IRA  and British government firing rockets at each other, killing innocent civilians. This sort of behaviour ended over 20 years ago when peaceful negotiaions replaced the bloodshed of the past. Palestine and Israel could both learn a lesson from this democratic move.

Jews are the indigenous people of Judea and Samaria. That’s why the names Judea and Samaria are all over historical maps that go back centuries. The fact that the world somehow “forgot” about those names after a mere 19-year occupation by Jordan, shows only how deeply biased against Jews the world truly is. I’m guessing you would not speak so contemptuously of any other indigenous people who went back to using the names of their own cities and towns, if they were restored to the lands from which they’d been exiled. 


Israel’s obligation under UN Resolution 242 is the same as the Palestinians: resolve through peaceful negotiation the territorial dispute opened up as a result of repeated acts of war perpetrated by Israel’s Arab neighbors against her.  The authors of the resolution stated, unequivocally, they intentionaly did not specify that Israel was obliged to withdraw from all of the disputed territories, because doing so would leave Israel unable to adequately defend herself from future attacks. 


Stating over and over that the “settlements” are illegal does not make it so. 


"Jews are the indigenous people of Judea and Samaria."
No Liz, it's the Canaanites, whose descendents are mingled with the Palestinians. Jews are Semites, from Mesopotamia [Iraq], remember?

"Stating over and over that the settlements are illegal does not make it so."
Absolutely right. What makes them illegal is international law, the same law that gave Israel its illegitimacy. You can't have your cake and eat it. If the law was right to legitimise Israel, then it is right to condemn it for its occupation of the Palestinian Lands.

And yes, the historical maps. Who drew them? What were they used for? What officially recognised international status do they have? The only maps I can ever recall seeing were in the back of the King James Bible at Sunday school in the UK. Could you post some links to the maps that show your claim?

And there it is again, Liz. That one-size-fits-all accusation. Anti-Semitism. Everything that you don't like and challenges the illegality of Israeli policy is countered by accusing others of hating Jews. As Norman Finkelstein [a Jew] has said, be careful how you use that accusation. It could lose its force to the extent where you cry wolf one too many times.

Correction to the above:


legitimacy, not illegitimacy


What makes [the settlements] illegal is international law, the same law that gave Israel its legitimacy



Interesting that only Jewish AirBNBs are being removed from this DISPUTED territory.  If that's not anti-semetic, then what is?! 


In 1947 UN resolution 181 called for two separate states one for Arabs and one for Jews.  Israel anounced it's independence and immediately the arabs of palestine joined forces with all the neighboring arab countries to wage war on Israel.  Bad news for them is they lost.  You don't get to start a war and lose and then say give me back what I lost!  Sorry, that's not how it works just as with the USA and Mexico and Russia after World War 2 with Germany and many other countires in the world that win a war.  Especially if they did not start the war.  This is not a game of checkers junior.


Actually this territory only became disputed when Israel won a war of agression from some dozen arab countries.  It was never disputed when Jordan and Egypt fully controlled these so called Occupied Territories.  In fact the concept of a Fakestinian never existed prior to the 1967 6-day war when Israel sent the bloody arabs crying to the UN (which stands for United against Israel!)  The Fakestinian is a career refugee from a land that they never had rights or connection to.  What about the 850,000 Jewish refugees that were kicked out with nothing to take from all the arab countries in the mid 1900s?  You think they became career refugees?  No, they moved primarily to Israel and made a new home and started a new life rather than becoming career refugees!


Also, one would have to ignore a huge amounts of historic proof from thousands of museums that the Jewish people fully occupied the land of Israel for thousands of years back.  Just because they were exiled by the Babylonians, Greeks and Romans to name a few; does not erase their claim to this land.


Finally, Israel has offered on 5 different occasions practically the entire regions to the Fakestinians for peace and they never accepted.  Because peace is not what they seek, but rather the destruction of Israel.  Watch this video and get educated on the facts:


AirBNB has stooped to it's lowest level ever and it will lose thousands of loyal hosts and guests for this toxic anti-semitic act against Jewsih AirBNB hosts!  There are many other sites to list vacation rentals!


Jewish listings in the disputed territories aren't removed.  Israeli settlements are.  Huge difference.

What a coinsidence, they just all happen to be Jewish and removed from AirBNB.

Judea and Samaria were erased the 1st time by conquering Romans. After brutally conquering the Jewish nation and destroying the Temple, they changed the name to Palestina. A historically and geographically inaccurate reference to the no longer distinct Philistines. Today, the name was erased again after the unprovoked conuest by Jordan. A conuest that only Jordan and the UK recognized. The relevant originial documents and decision recognized the land as a homeland or the Jewish people and the UK declaration encouraged close settlement on the land. Its ok to be ignorant, kinda dumb to put it on display.

An excellent description of why this decision is so wrong is given here:


Three quotes from the article:

  1. "Jews were forcibly displaced from Judea and Samaria during the 1947/48 Israel-Arab war" - so shouldn't the Airbnb decision apply to ALL homes in those areas?
  2. "Airbnb “experts” also do not seem to know about the ethnic cleansing of Jews from the Arab world, from which 850,000 Jews were expelled." - so shouldn't the Airbnb decision apply to Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Egypt, and Jordan?
  3. "in all areas of Judea and Samaria that are controlled by the Palestinian Authority, not only are Jews not allowed to live, but they are not even allowed to visit." - true racism on the side of the Palestinians, yet the world is silent.

Sadly your claim that "Israel must withdraw from all Palestinian lands occupied in 1967 as called for in UN Resolution 242, and then no one can object to its action" has no basis in reality. Israel withdrew from Gaza. Completely. Tearing up the homes, livelihoods, and communities that Jews had built there. The Palestinians replied with rockets and mortars fired indiscriminately against Israeli civilians and "no one objected". The world doesn't care when Israel is shot at from the Gaza Strip. On the contrary, the world waits for an Israeli response and then condemns us.


You sound confident that Israel should be singled out and your justification is that the conflict has gone on for a long time. Have you heard of Tibet? Does AirBnb still allow people to rent homes from Chinese owners? Is that a moral occupation? Is it legal? China invated Tibet in 1950. Israel conquered the West Bank in 1967. What makes the Jews so special that you can justify singling them out?

Ummm... the ONLY reason there is not a Palestinian state is that the Palestinians over-and-over-and-over again refuse to accept a third party negotiated state -- Israel always says yes, the Palestinian leadership always says no.  When Israel forcibly removed every last Jew from Gaza all Israel got in return was Gaza taken over by even more extremist terrorist groups and more terrorist activites directed toward Israel.