Building Trust

Level 2
Toronto, Canada

Building Trust

Hi everyone,


My name is Scott, and I'm a Host in Toronto, and have been using the platform for about five or so years now.


I've made a couple other posts in other threads on this subject, so spologies for any reiteration, but I'm developing a research base for my Thesis work with OCAD University here.


I'm working on the idea of a more acountable online presence, and building trust between strangers. I see Airbnb as the perfect meeting place of a digital profile and a physical self.


I've developed a HOST and GUEST based survey (both only about 12 questions, should take about 10 minutes), and would greatly appreciate any feedback you have the time to offer.

The URL for the HOST survey is:


The URL for the GUEST survey is:


They're very similar. Any and all information garnered would truly be appreciated, and will be used in a way which will keep you anonymous.


Thank you so much_



ps_If anyone would like to reach out and have a conversation, I can be reached at

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