Bathroom toiletry basket - take if you forgot

Level 2
St. Augustine Beach, FL

Bathroom toiletry basket - take if you forgot

I was wondering if anyone had a sign/message (in/on/around the toiletries basket (toothbrush, Q-Tips, disposable shaver, tampons, sewing kit) that they could share? I don't want to include travel shampoos and mouthwash in the basket, but the essential items that can help set the tone for the day. If you provide something like this or don't, please contribute.

2 Replies 2
Level 4
San Jose, CA

Hi @Sean1692 .  I don’t have a sign up that says there are specific toiletries…available.  However, in my welcome binder/house manual, I put a little blurb that there are borrow baskets under the bathroom and kitchen sinks…where host and guests can leave any un-opened/re-usable items for others.  I don’t specify what items may be in the baskets, so if you forget or run out of toothbrushes, toothpaste, pads, and etc. there won’t be any expectations from guests.  HTH.  I got this idea from an Airbnb ambassador, IG @MarilynnTaylor, when I first started out, and has been really helpful.

Top Contributor
Cannes, France

Hello @Sean1692 


I provide all the things you mention and a few more and have them in a basket in the drawer of the bathroom unit beside the hairdryer. They can't fail to see it.    I don't mention it anywhere in my guide book and leave guests to discover them as a pleasant surprise if the need arises.  Plasters usually disappear😉


I have the cotton wool pads out on display in a nice pot and can see that they are frequently used.


I have just ticked that there is a first aid kit on my listing.


All the best
