Duplicate listing for previous owner

Level 2
Battersea, Canada

Duplicate listing for previous owner

I am Mary-Beth and only joined in May 2924, so a real novice.  The property I have listed has a previous owner listing as well   They arent being very cooperative but it's confusing guests seeing 2 of the same listing's.  Some think its a scam, which I understand.  How exactly do I terminated the old owner?   I have asked them to remove it but they aren't exactly cooperating?  Any thoughts or ideas?


**[Title updated for relevancy by Community Manager]

7 Replies 7
Level 4
Long Beach, CA

Have you contacted Airbnb directly to let them know that the previous owner still has an active listing? That is fraud.

Kelley Hartwyk
Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hi @Mary-Beth49 👋


Just like @Kelley3's advice, I'm curious if you've managed to speak to Airbnb Support about this situation? 



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Hi Rebecca, no I was unable to reach a rep from the Airbnb.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hi @Mary-Beth49 👋


You can get help or contact Airbnb Support here.  Please come back and let us know how you get on once you've spoken to them. 


I also wanted to share that if you type "@" and then the username, this will tag the member that you're replying to. This ensures that they get a notification that you've replied to them specifically 🤗 I hope this helps to keep the conversation flowing, and if you've got any questions, just ask. Have a wonderful day! 🌼



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Hi @Mary-Beth49 

It's strange the old owner is not removing their listing? Did they give you a reason as to why they have not delisted it? I'm assuming you were aware the property was previously operated as an Airbnb and an agreement was reached on how this was to be handled when you closed on the property? Did you make an agreement regarding any reservations the previous owner had?


I'm also assuming all the locks on the property have been changed and you have put your own furnishings in the property? Until this is resolved, suggest you make your listing is as different as possible from the previous owner's. This includes changing the Cover Photo, Title, Description and all new photos of the rest of the property.

Joan, thanks for your note.  The owners didn't disclose the property had an Air BnB.  We found out afterwards from neighbours so there was nothing in any agreement.  Once I found out, I copied the pictures they took and they are different, but fundamentally looking at one beside the other, they are similiar.  I deleted any pictures I used that was from their listing.  At the beginning, I didn't know their's was still up so I wasn't worried.  I heard from the real estate agent this morning and he said the previous owner will have it down this week.  Now we wait.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hi @Mary-Beth49 👋


It's lovely to see you joining in conversations on the Community Center! I just wanted to pop by and share that if you type "@" and then the username, this will tag the member that you're replying to. This ensures that they get a notification that you've replied to them specifically 🤗


For example, if I wanted to tag @Joan2709 into the conversation, I would type '@' then select the user from the list:

Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 15.32.25.png


I hope this helps to keep the conversation flowing, and if you've got any questions, just ask. Have a wonderful day! 🌼



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