Airbnb is killing me and I'm afraid for my life

Level 3
Split, Croatia

Airbnb is killing me and I'm afraid for my life


Airbnb is destroying my health and life these days. 

I have been Airbnb member almost 5 years and a Super host for 3 years now with more then 45 active listings and around 350 reviews. 

Airbnb is my breakfast, lunch and diner, and never a guest waited more then 5 minutes for my reply, even in the middle of the night, cause I sleep with my phone. 


They are investigating false accusations against me already 2 weeks now and refusing to speak with me about it and are not willing to look at evidence that I want to send them. 

Instead of it, first they have limited visibility of my listings, then they block them and yesterday they cancelled the guest reservation that was for today with announcment that they will do to others too, during the process of investigation. 

I am losing guests, losing money losing customers with who I work with, but most importanely losing my health, nerves and mind. 

Yesterday almost car runed over me because I walk like a zombie. 

I cannot eat, I cannot sleep and I don't want to live anymore like this. 

And why? 

Not because 1 damaged and evil person reacted from ego and spite against me when I complained about her not paying me for extra person. I can understand there are all kinds of people around us, but evidence is on my side and I am not afraid in my innocence. 

I'm suffering because Airbnb treats me like **bleep**, they had only 1 short phone call with me 8 days ago and promised to resolve the issue within 48 hours which was too much to wait anyway. But that didn't happen, neither they replied any of my mails. 

Over Airbnb agents I have called them 7 times leaving a message to call me, I have replied on their one and only mail 12 times beging for some reaction. I wrote them on open case message around 10 times and I opened several new cases just beging for a phone call that they closed without replying, because that ignorance is killing me. After 7 days they just replied shortly on mail: "Please know we are still investigating this matter, and we are following our procedures, which can include the cancellation of reservations throughout the process."


When I asked do they need any help and evidence, they just cancelled my today 6 day reservation. 

Guest was confused and angry, but I couldnt help, Airbnb called him directly not to be my guests like I am convicted criminal. 

It seems that more then 300 fantastic reviews, compliments and no complaints on me dont mean anything to Airbnb. 

This is the biggest injustice I ever faced in my life so far, in 39 years. 

If I was arrested police would read my rights and I would have an attorney and would defend myself on court, but Airbnb ignorance and punishment is worse then jail. 

I am taking pharmacy drugs to function in real life and sleeping pills to get trough the night just hoping for a call or mail that doesnt come. 

If this continues further more I would rather be dead then experience this injustice anymore. 

I am afraid for my health and I cannot know in which way this pain and depression will leave me. 

Guys, please be aware that this could happen to you to. Anyone can file a false complaint on you and Airbnb will treat you like a criminal until they slowly investigate you are not.

Nobody deserves this kind of treatment. 


72 Replies 72
Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@Davor6 in addition to @Helen3s message, you should be calling Airbnb, I see here that you only messaged them, that can take a lot of time without getting a response. Did they gave you a solution? 

Hi Ana. I did called them and I only got frustraited more. The problem is that departure who is investigating my case doesn't have a phone (as I have been said) and the only thing agent from the number  I had, could help me is that he leaves a message to that departure to call me. 

So in Monday I have called them 6 times, every few hours, always different agent would answer me and promised to reach them, but nobody called.  In last 2 calls I have demanded that they reach them and then that they reach me with their answer when that departure will contact me, and again promises were broken. Only 1 agent did messaged me with the news that departure will call me today. When I asked her can she specify until when they will call me, she just closed the case, without answering. 

Until today nobody really cared.

Purpose was to show all of you how I was ignored many times, even when I told them it affects my health and I demand an aswer.  Thank you for reading

Level 10
Kendal, United Kingdom


I'm really sorry to hear that the actions of one guest and Airbnb are affecting your livlihood and health in this way.


I hope Airbnb come to their senses and review your evidence fairly as it seems from your side of the story that you are being victimised.


If your guest has published their false accusations on the Airbnb platform for which you have conclusive evidence against, then she would be guilty of defamation and the publishers (Airbnb) would be negligent in publishing them.


Rather than waiting for Airbnb to wave a magic wand, you need to take legal advice and act against your guest for defamation and insist initially that she revokes her accusations then file for negligence, loss of earnings and personal damages.


In the meantime, you need to secure your earnings. You should invest some of your time in listing your accomodations elsewhere.


Good luck!



Thank you @Ian-And-Anne-Marie0 , those are helpful advices.

But right now I just want this to finish asap so I can continue with my life and work.

I don't want to involve any police or court in this, I still believe Airbnb has some brains because there are no evidence to any accussations I'm facing, just the contrary.  But I might open case on to ask for a refund because I did lose money in the meantime and also nerves. But right now i just want to work as I did until this, honestly and responsible. 


They are investigating false accusations against me already 2 weeks now and refusing to speak with me about it and are not willing to look at evidence that I want to send them.


This alone is just basic negligence. If you have not had the opportunity to provide your evidence in 16 days now, as you say - I'm sorry - you do need to take legal advice. Already you have wasted those 16 days and contacting the guest direct is not going to help.


However, just to take a balanced approach, it might be possible that Airbnb have had previous  allegations of the same type and this recent one is just one too far yet the only one you have possibly been made aware of?


Hopefully you will be able to put your evidence in due course.

@Ian-And-Anne-Marie0  Thank you for your message. What legal action should I take? I know they would defend themselves easily, because im terms and conditions there is no time limit when they need to handle with these issues.

No, I did not had any similar accusations, even its normal to assume that, I understand. 

But I am a super host with a reason. 


It would be the guest who you would pursue. They are the one making the unfounded allegations and from which the consequential losses would result.

Level 3
Split, Croatia

I substained my anger, frustration and biterness and messaged last night the person who started all this. Even she deserves it, I didn't accuse her, i wasn't harsh, neither ironic, I reacted from love, respect  and honesty.  I was just explaning her what trauma I am experiencing and begging her to to tell the truth to AirBnb and just finish this dramma. I have wrote her again this morning feeling very bad, but still acting from sympathy, trying to find an excuse for her.

She didn't reply, neither anything changed.

In what kind of world we are living?

Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@Davor6 stop contacting her, she can accuse you of harassment and add that to her complaints to Airbnb. You are dealing with Airbnb now, if the guest was reasonable she wouldn't have started this in the first place. 

@Ana1136  I agree, but there is nothing she can add on, I'm just begging her to listen to her heart and her soul will be grateful, no bad words. But obviously she doesn't have a heart. I will not write her anymore, because AirBnb should deal with it, but they are just not dealing with it. I asked them today after they finally messaged me hearing this:

"What kind of imvestigation it is if you dont want to check only existing evidence and that is manuscript of whole Whatsap conversation between me and that evil woman??
Why doesnt anyone wants to speak with me about this?"


2 hours later, No reply, no call so far

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Please stop contacting the guest @Davor6  or all you are likely to achieve is that Airbnb will side with the guest.


The guest will not reply to you.


Instead invest your time in something that will relax you and putting your thirty odd properties on other platforms.

Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@Davor6 the reason you are contacting her for doesn't matter, it won't bring you any good, you can be sure about that. Leave her alone and concentrate on dealing with Airbnb and as @Helen3 said relaxing and thinking about your future moves. 


I would like to focus on AirBnb, but they are again refusing to give me any kind of information regardind this, also not giving me a chance to defend myself in this 16th day now. 

What should I do?

I have exactly 51 reservations for 22 apartments, some of them made last year.  

And AirBnb threatens to cancel them all, 1 by 1, until they conclude this investigation. 

@Helen3  & @Mark116  & @Ana1136 

I have my own platform to work with and I'm doing the best I can, each day. 

Trough my life I have realized that most arguments are just based on lack of conversation and whole lot of missunderstanding. I also know that I cannot solve the problem with the energy it has been created. So that is why I tried to change the energy, submit my anger and approach this woman with it, hoping for the best.  

I wouldn't do that if I am not desperate and if AirBnb is doing its job.