Availability question

Level 1
San Francisco, CA

Availability question

I have 2 listings; one for my whole house (which I listed initially as "one time only" for the Super Bowl) and the second listing is the garden apartment on the bottom level of the house (with ongoing availability).  Is there a way I can list the whole house for "inquiry only" without opening up the calendar so if someone is interested, I can accept the booking if the dates work for me?  I don't want to have the calendar open and then have to constantly decline people since I don't want to book it that much.   Does my question make sense?

1 Reply 1
Level 6
Sacramento, CA

The only way I know how to do it without constantly declining folks is to work your calendar so the days that are good for you are the only ones made available.


So you could block out the next three months and then selectively make days available for booking.


Hope this makes sense.
