Cancellation Policy: Strict

Level 2
Upper Austria, Austria

Cancellation Policy: Strict

Hello Community,

I booked a place yesterday, the cancellation policy is strict (50% refund if I cancel more than 7 days before my vacation) and unfortunatelly I have to cancel the trip. 😞

I read that I get the airbnb booking fee is refunded if I cancel within the first 48 hours.

However, my question is, do I get a full refund (of my entire trip) if I  cancel within the first 48 hours or does the 50% refund rule already apply?


Thank you for your help,


5 Replies 5
Level 10
George Town, Malaysia

The 48 hours grace period only apply to booking on the date which is more than 14 days from the date of your booking. 

Level 2
Upper Austria, Austria


Level 2
Upper Austria, Austria

Thanks for the quick response Coln, good to know - my booking is in 4 month from today. So I should not have to pay anything at all?

Level 10
George Town, Malaysia

Yes if the policy is strict with grace period. You will get a reconfirmation when you click on the cancel button about how much will be refunded. May I suggest to let the host knows before you go ahead to cancel? ^_^

Level 2
Upper Austria, Austria

Definitelly, that is common courtesy. I have never cancelled a booking before on airbnb, that's why I am so unsure of things. I just checked the cancellation button though, as you suggested, i am affraid I already have to pay. That is very unfortunate. Thank you for your advise though!