City regulations 1st and now county regulations - Does Airbnb have a canned "statement"

Level 2
Hot Springs, AR

City regulations 1st and now county regulations - Does Airbnb have a canned "statement"

My city (Hot Springs, AR) recently implemented rules and regulations and licensing for STR within the city limits (it was all very clandestine and not put up for any kind of vote and only a small "listening session" happened AFTER THE FACT) Well, now the county is thinking about following suit - so this time I'd love to show up at the meeting prepared with some facts/evidence and I'm wondering if there are any white papers or economic impact studies or reports of any sort that Airbnb may already have that helps us as hosts present our case to the city officials or county (hope it doesn't go to state next)

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand

Hello @Gail677 from across the yonder and oceans in Auckland, New Zealand.


Have you looked in Legal Databases for decisions relating to STR & ABB & online Platforms in general terms?

Ditto in Google Scholar and the likes?


You will find that some of the Academic Research papers are full of holes that can be exploited as they have taken a Blanket approach that ABB is bad for neighbourhoods, the cause of a shortage of rental accommodation, people drag suitcases at all hours, have loud parties etc yet these people don't take the same blanket approach with other Online Advertising platforms, do they?


Nor do they include in any of their research papers that those activities are a part of day to day life regardless in any neighbourhood at any given time.


If anything, those we have meet have been super considerate and mindful of regulations.


Good on you for having the courage to make a stand.


Maybe go through the listings in your local area and reach out to others to see if they are interested in networking together to make a positive change in one's community.


I wonder if those who have taken the harsh outlooks on ABB have ever traveled or lived with people outside of their direct insular circles in life?


All the best and keep us up to date on any progress


@Catherine-Powell @Brian @Nick @Liv @Katie @Stephanie 




Level 1
Waterloo, Canada

Did you ever get a reply?  I have the same issue at one of my listings.   I only see one reply to your enquiry from over a year ago.


I have reached out to one of the Airbnb employees that is supposedly in charge of public affairs and their policies and it has been 4 days and i have had no reply.  

They expect Superhosts to reply within 24 hours.  Meanwhile, they are not replying to me on a matter that I calculated will cost them millions per year.


Which means tens of mellions after 10 years.  Maybe it is no big deal to them now.  But after all townships start going this route.  They may start giving us the support we need.