Covid 19 superhost

Level 1
Tuscany, Italy

Covid 19 superhost

Good morning thank you Brian for your speech and for the fund made available I would like to point out that for example we have been superhost for several years and we do our B&B activity (Tuscany) in structures where we pay a high monthly rent so it will be very difficult for us to face this period at Covid 19. But you said that you will only help super hosts with less than two ads, but we have two like Airbnb and one like Airbnb plus. I would like to point out that we pay high monthly rents on the two Airbnb ads and we pay a very high monthly mortgage on Airbnb plus, so I would be very, very sorry if I had to be excluded just because I have three ads because of the enormous difficulty in paying rents and mortgages. Thank you barbara

1 Reply 1
Level 8
Toulon, France


Don't expect anything from that, this is 10 millions $ for the all world, and a lot of conditions. At first, you have to share the ads you rent, no more than 2, all rentals with Airbnb, no other incomes, and it dépend the percentage you are loosing. So forget... and sign the petition please: (more than 20 000 signatures)