Embedding my airbnb listing on our other website

Level 1
Launceston, United Kingdom

Embedding my airbnb listing on our other website

I like this idea of embedding our airbnb listing on our website. However has anyone noticed that on the listing there are 2 links - one to our own listing on airbnb, and a second link which takes guests to ALL the airbnb listings for our area. This second link is in red and far more obvious than the one to our own listing (and thus more likely to get clicked).  Not exactly ideal when we're trying to take guests to our own listing not other properties!


I know a little html but can see no way of removing this second link from the embedded text.  Any ideas?


Thank you.

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Miami, FL

You can delete the a (anchor) tag, and script tags near the end of the code. Delete the opening and closing tags and everything in between.

Level 1
Launceston, United Kingdom

Thanks Ed and Hugh. It works, but you do also lose the nice Airbnb embedded box styling which is a bit of a shame. However if you know a bit of html I'm sure you could restore the 'look'.

Level 2
Buenos Aires, Argentina

I agree with Jon. I like the idea of embeding, but the code provided by arirbnb does not do justice to their claim.  The information is missleading. Everytime we paste that code we are promoting airbnb and all the competitors in the area that publish on airbnb rather than our ad. The script contains a code that leads to a link to all the airbnb properties in the area and it is much more calling of attention to those that click than our ad itself. 
I am really surprise of this hidden manouver by whoever code this. It is false information!! and should be corrected