Filing your taxes monthly in Indiana for an LLC

Level 2
Fort Wayne, IN

Filing your taxes monthly in Indiana for an LLC

So here is the problem. Airbnb lumps the 2 Indiana Taxes (Sales and Inn Keepers) into 1 group called "occupancy tax", and does not and cannot, according to them,  break it down into exact amounts. The problem is i need to file monthly with the state so how am i supposed to know the amounts to file for each tax??


The state tax people say that's insane that Airbnb is supposedly paying those taxes on my behalf but does not even know how much of each tax they collected and paid.


How are other people in Indiana with an LLC filing their taxes?

2 Replies 2
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Terneuzen, Netherlands

Hi @Andrew1124 , it's been a while since you posted. Have you received any good advice yet regarding your question?


The CC is global so it can be a challenge sometimes to find someone from your own region. What you could do is check if there are any Host Clubs in Indiana and post your question there too. You can find the Host Clubs here:




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Level 1
Chicago, IL

Hey Andrew,
Were you ever able to find any useful info? I just listed a new property up in LaPorte and can't find any information beyond the monthly Innkeeper's Tax. So, I should incorporate and play Sales Tax as well?

Thanks for your time.