Getting account back after 'permanent deactivation'

Getting account back after 'permanent deactivation'

Long story short...


  1. Last November I sent referral link to my friend. So, she has registered and book a listing. Then, we matched our plans and she added me to a trip.
  2. Few months later I've received discount by Airbnb which I applied on my April trip.
  3. Yesterday I found my account blocked. After calling the support I asked my friend to check her account — she has the same issue.


I guess, BNB side suspects me in multiple account registration(probably because of discounts — what a shame!). And I'm 105% sure that's just a misunderstanding. But I found an email which said about permanent deactivation.


So, the question:

Is anyone have 'permanently blocked' account which has been recovered?

And what can you recommend to me? I really need in Airbnb account in closest future.


sorry, English is not my native lang.

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