Guests running office from my living room

Level 2
Honolulu, HI

Guests running office from my living room

I have guests that are running an internet business from my home! Its a shared home and they've completely taken over the living room.  Discussing and working on their laptops, talking to clients and co workers.  Their here for 22 days, 10 days left. I work from home, its listed as so on my airbnd and it also says their welcome to use the living room if I'm not working. But the problem is that they bunker down before I even get there and use it for hours talking loudly.  I don't want a bad review, so I'm not saying anything but I am quite appealed by there behavior.  they also have an emotional support dog that peed and pooped in my home. My solution was to ask them to put on a diaper for the dog. But they don't use it in their bedroom.  These guests are incredibly entitled and have broken rules.  Please help. 

7 Replies 7
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Wow I am sorry this has happened to you. Unfortunately you have let this go on for quite long into their stay, so it is harder to tackle.


Just have a friendly chat and remind them that you work from home. Say you are finding it difficult to do so because they are also working in your space and having normal work conversations and telephone calls, which means you can't get your work done.


Indicate which times of the day you would be happy for them to use the living room for social activities ie after 6 p.m. and at whatever hours you choose at weekends.


Say if they want to have a space to work from you can recommend some work friendly cafe's or spaces they can rent by the day.



You shouldn't have to point out to them that they need to ensure their dog goes to the toilet outside and that they clear up any mess and dispose of it.


If they continue to break your rules, you can contact BNB and ask them to cancel the guests reservation.


I would follow this up by reiterating your conversation via bnb messaging.

Thank you so much!

Level 10
Moriches, NY

We cant help those who wont help themselves 😞

Hi, I'm not understanding your comment


You're the 1 in charge here and you're letting them railroad you in your own home. Not sure how we can help you. 

There here for 10 more days, and obviously I'm hesitant about making things uncomfortable because of Airbnb Reviews.  My question is  about the legalities and rules for Airbnb.  I know the dog, as an emotional support dog, can be asked to leave if they pee or deficate in the home, and charged clean up costs.  Running a business in my home... from what I've searched... isn't okay but I didn't find much about it.  I have a strict refund policy, and I know my reasons are valid.  I think I'm just at a point of either to wait it out, or ask them to leave.  I'd like to know what another host would do. Thanks for your reply.  I tottaly know I need to stand up and say something.  I just feel like an enforcer at this point and I hate that kind of feeling in the home. It's a bit like your friends kids coming to stay, and you're just putting up with them and cleaning up after them.  As of right now, they were eating in my living room, legs up on the couch... and right now their Skyping a co-worker on speaker phone.  I basically feel like a guest and housekeeper in my own home.  Ive never had a guest act this way.   I'm around the same age as them, and I live alone.  I'm wondering if they would do this to a family or someone older.  Anyways, thats not my question.  I would just like to know how another host would handle this situation.  

The best help I know how to give is to advise you to enforce rules in your own home. If you choose not to, then let it run its course the next 10dys. Then for the future set up a timeline that guests are allowed to use the living room, and consider this a lesson learned. 

If you call airbnb the 1st thing they're going to say is "did you try speaking with the guests?" In the end if you choose to have airbnb "evict" them, airbnb WILL refund them for their unused days regardless of your cancellation policy. The cancellation policy is only for when the GUEST cancels, not the host. 

Bottom line is its your call what way you want to handle it to make yourself whole.