How do I cancel a confirmed guest who looks suspicious and not responsive at all?

Level 1
Copenhagen, Denmark

How do I cancel a confirmed guest who looks suspicious and not responsive at all?

I have a guest that booked my apartment with a single text message but never responds when asked about time of arrival and other details. It's been a while ~ 2 months, that I have waited. 


I feel this is super suspicious.


How do I proceed with canceling this reservation without me losing money?

This does not fit under the conditions a host can cancel but still a valid reason for cancelling due to suspicious nature.

Any help is appreciated. There is 7 days left until the reservation. 



3 Replies 3
Level 10
Eureka, CA

Hi @Gayathri2 : You will have to call Customer Service or contact them via the messaging option in the Contact Us area. They may ask if you have exhausted all avenues of contact though. Have you tried text messaging the phone number you have? Or calling them directly? I have also found that some unresponsive future guests respond when I send an email. Always follow up on platform with a brief statement like: "Just following up regarding the 'text message, phone call, e mail' I just sent in reference to __________" If you have gone down all those roads, generally you can get CS to cancel the reservation if they are unable to get a reply as well. 

Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

Not necessarily suspicious. Many guests don't set up their account to automatically  receive messages.


Before rushing into cancelling the booking, why don't you try and call or text the guest and if you can't reach them ask Airbnb to help.

Level 7
Nairobi, Kenya

Airbnb will help you in this