How do i cancel a guest from my booking calendar when the reservation is cancelled by Air BnB?

Level 1
Belgrade, Serbia

How do i cancel a guest from my booking calendar when the reservation is cancelled by Air BnB?

Air bnb has cancelled a reservation for safety reasons, I am told, so I asked the guests to leave but now I cant unblock the dates they had reserved....they were supossed to stay two more weeks...


thanks 🙂



4 Replies 4
Level 10
Templeton, CA

Thats weird.  Do you know the nature of the "safety reasons"?  Could you explain more what happened?  Hard to advise if we don't have more information.  Let us know!

I would also really like to know more about the concept of Airbnb cancelling a guest that is already on a hosts' property for "safety reasons" .  Is it because the guest complained that the listing was unsafe in some way or was Airbnb indicating that the GUEST was an unsafe individual?

Heard just a snippet on the news that there was some kind of election turmoil in Serbia.  That might be the reason for the safety issue. 

Iva kako naplacujes nocenja od Airbnb , mislim da je devizna naplata prevelika provizija!