How does Airbnb verify guests identity

Level 2
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

How does Airbnb verify guests identity

Police suspect my guests is scammer, break the lock and lockup them during the rent out period.

Would Airbnb provide lawyers or legal advice in case we need helps ?

How does Airbnb verify guests provide a real identity and information?

How Airbnb protects hosts?

We suspect guests register as a fake profile picture and contact numbers.



1 Reply 1

@Aaron520 You should definitely contact Airbnb to report this incident. They will cancel the reservation, unblock your calendar, and possibly delete the user's account. But banish the thought that they'll provide you lawyers or any kind of legal assistance. It's against their policy to supply legal advice. They don't "protect" hosts - it's imperative that hosts take every measure they can to protect themselves.


You do have the option of requiring verified ID as a condition of accepting a booking. But even with verified ID, any user can have a profile picture that is not of themselves - like you, for example. I'm pretty sure that is not a picture of your face in that profile.


You can state in your rules that guests must present a government-issued ID in order to access the property, as long as you're doing the check-ins in person.