I am unable to save my listing

I am unable to save my listing

The save button is not working


2 Replies 2

@Samantha252 sometimes the Save button is disabled if there are still some required fields that need to be filled out.


Also, this can happen if the text you wrote in certain fields is too long.

Some text fields have a little counter near the bottom that tells you how many characters there are left before your text is too long. If it is red (or negative, I don't remember) then what you wrote is too long.


That can also make it so you can't save.


Are your listing is connected to a channel manager? You can check in the section below :

https://www.airbnb.com/account-settings/privacy-and-sharing is so some software takes over control of some settings.


For the listing description check the content length as described here https://airbnbase.com/save-button-inactive/