I can't see the stars under each guest's review!

Level 4
Copenhagen, Denmark

I can't see the stars under each guest's review!

I have problem with seeing the stars under each guest's review. This should be a new feature I've been told by one of my friends who is also an Airbnb host. But I'm seeing it in the "old way" just with the general stats. I called Airbnb support and the they tell me that the problem is on my end as they see it perfectly on their end...


I have deleted history, cookies and cache in both Safari and Chrome. Restarted my Mac. Nothing helped. Anybody having the same problem? Why can't I see these new features?? How to solve this?

5 Replies 5
Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

Some changes are gradual rollouts, I can't see it either but I just read about it from someone who can. Don't worry about it, it will either be visibile for everyone with time or it will disappear from everyone. Often Airbnb does testers and they are limited to certain users.

Oh thank you so much! I was also thinking the same that it might be the case. It's just weird that the Airbnb support employees are not informed about this and thus tell me that the problem is on my end, when it isn't... 😞 Also he sent me screen shots of what he saw and on his system it was showing everything "in the new way", with stars under each guest's review...

That is interesting, because I am able to pull up everything, sometimes my husband reminds me to refreshen it, or go back into your sign in place.  Then it is always there, but I find myself trying every spot to get it!  Finally I had it all, hmmm now remembering what exactly I did besides loggin back in is not clear!  It is doeable at least here!  Best of luck!

So what exactly did you do?? I'm still not able to see all the stars...

Sandra, can you please tell me whether it's rolled out so that I should be able to see it now as well??