Listings in Croatian: "Sarajevo, Bosna i Herzegovina - smještaji (all)"

Level 1
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Listings in Croatian: "Sarajevo, Bosna i Herzegovina - smještaji (all)"

In order to check the status of my listing in the Croatian language, I entered: "Sarajevo, Bosna i Herzegovina - smještaji (all)", meaning "Sarajevo, Bosna i Herzegovina - listings (all)"

Only the listings from the first or the first two pages are repeated when I scrolled down.


Apparently, just several listings are favorized in this search!

Has anyone already experienced a similar issue? 



1 Reply 1
Level 1
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

I have experienced the same issue of not being able to see my listing even wnen I tried to scroll it down to the very end. Can someone recommend how to fix this issue ? Thank you!