Managing my mother's property

Managing my mother's property

Helping my mother manage some property, I just set up an account and wrote up a description.  However, I realized that everything is in my name and that I will be paid (hence a 1099 in my name) rather than my mother.  


How do I set it up so that my mother is being paid; but that others renting know that they are dealing with someone else (myself)?  Should I just change the name on the profile to my mother's as well as the phone number and other info before setting up the payout preference?


Thank you! 

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Templeton, CA

@Jonathan38  I am in the same boat as you.  I think you can set up the payout preferences with your Mom's account and SSN number but with your host profile with your phone number, email address, etc for contact purposes.  To be sure I asked @airbnbhelp on twitter and wish I could include a screen shot...Here's the conversation: 


Me:  I manage my Mom's house on Airbnb and am the host and primary contact. I want to change the payout preference to her account with her SSN number for tax purposes. Is it ok to set things up that way?


Airbnb: If it is your Mom's account and home, that sounds like it's ok!


Not really a strong yes or no, but it's an answer of sorts!

Thanks you, Clare.  That gives me confidence to go ahead and finish the profile.



I can use my mother's account but I can't find the place to put in her SSN.  Where would that be?


Thank you!