Nasty guest

Level 2
St Helena, CA

Nasty guest


When we arrived the unit was EXTREMELY dusty and run down and the cabinets were full of old and expired foods. Additionally, half the closed was stuffed full with clothing from the host and the kitchen was busting at the seams with miscellaneous objects that did nothing but take up space. While in the unit we had a few issues with things breaking and we were met with disrespect from the host and her husband throughout the entire process. Additionally, the host often sent passive aggressive text messages about how often I used the AC unit that I brought in (which was not very frequent at all). Finally, when it came time to leave the unit the host harassed me through text about things she thought I broke during my stay and attempted to charge me for each of them. Overall, the unit was extremely run down and dirty, full of the hosts belongings and at the end the host even tried to renovate her unit with my money. While this Airbnb is affordable for the area it was not worth the hassle and harassment from the host and I would not recommend it to others.

Lindsey’s private feedback for you:

“This Airbnb experience was not exactly what I had imagined. For starters, I wish that the situation with the bathroom door never escalated and that we could have handled the situation like adults without involving Airbnb. I was put in an unsafe situation because of my epilepsy and my boyfriend and I did what we thought was the smartest decision. I was hoping for even the slightest bit of empathy from you and Ken but received the exact opposite. Also, when Ken came to replace the door I found it extremely rude that he lectured me about the situation and acted as if it was a HUGE inconvenience for him to come. It is not my responsibility to fix and maintain your unit. Additionally, I really didn’t appreciate the constant passive-aggressive texts about the air conditioning use at the unit that I PAID for. I found it to be an invasion of my privacy and no, we did not use the AC excessively. Finally, when it came time for my boyfriend and I to move out you wouldn’t allow me to check out when I actually left the Airbnb and continued to charge me while you went through the unit (which is against Airbnb policy), taking pictures of things you thought I broke, sending me photos without any explanation. Overall, I know my boyfriend and I are younger but we are both intelligent, hardworking individuals and I wish that you and Ken treated us that way.”

1 Reply 1
Level 2
St Helena, CA

I am hoping host will see her aggression, he kicked bathroom door in, we only asked 163 due to my partner being retired contractor. If so bad leave, why stay 2 months. they ran a secondary ac they brought when it was 60 &70 degrees outside. And the one text to tell them the window was open next to the existing ac she quirped back "I don't know what you are talking about the ac is off", then  I wouldn't have wasted a text about it. She was like thumper in the house for her petite size. Such bad energy.