On-Demand (by popularity/relevance) Guided Video Tutorials for Airbnb host (advanced topics)

Level 10
Rotterdam, The Netherlands

On-Demand (by popularity/relevance) Guided Video Tutorials for Airbnb host (advanced topics)


Hi there!


It's been a while since I noticed some more advanced reading guides, how-to's, tutorials or instructions for Airbnb hosts, being posted here.

Science, Technology, Sharing knowledge and finding clever solutions to advanced issues or opportunities are a few of my passions, I have an idea. I'd like to receive feedback from you if you'd love to participate / propose ideas or problems / issues / challenges you seek. Primarily focused on software, automation, technology and other solutions or tools for hosts who wish to excel.

The idea is to begin with a poll/upvote for every idea (a week's time before counting the votes). Established on the selected topic, I'd create pre-recorded video tutorials, partly live with Q&A. This means we can create a knowledge base and guides for more advanced issues or challenges. Which could motivate, inspire and empower other hosts to improve their hosting experience in general


Wherever you go, there you are.
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