Optimizing my listing

Level 2
Cuenca, Ecuador

Optimizing my listing

Hi everyone

I had been listing with Airbnb for several years, I have an apartment complex with several units , actually 15: one , two bedroom and studio apartments . With the new templates on the hosting plataform , you can actually specify the type of renting facility you have. Hotel Apartmet in my case.

With than in mind I was wondering, if it is possibly to unify the apartments than share the same number of bed, 2 studios, 3 two bedrooms, 4 queens, and so on… this will be very convenient for other lodging platforms, I’m not sure how it will work with Airbnb, because I will have less listing maybe 5 instead of 15, however the availability per apartment will be increase. So far I have individual reviews for each apartment, by unifying them,will Airbnb consider them as new listings?will I lost all the previous reviews nearly 200 all together?


Any feedback highly apreciate it 

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