Our listing can not be found/Do we have a number fot our listing and where can we find this ?

Level 2
Amlapura, Indonesia

Our listing can not be found/Do we have a number fot our listing and where can we find this ?

Since last week we have a listing ( already active ) ,but we are nowhere to be found.What is wrong here ?

Secondly about the number. We think each listing has a number,ours is not visible .

What can be done about these 2 things ?

Thank you for your help !



p.s. the number might be : 140679551 ( but is only visible on the bottom of my laptop screen )

2 Replies 2
Level 7
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Reinier3,


Here's your listing URL - https://www.airbnb.co.uk/rooms/19879477


The number is at the end 🙂 Listing shows as active, so if you want to boost yourself up the listings, try some/all of the following -


1. Update your calendar on a daly basis

2. Reply to all messages straight away

3. Send that URL to as many friends & family as you can, it'll get you more views

4. Ask people to add it to their wishlists

5. Consider alternative marketing with your URL (I use a work internal message board, which helped drive more views)

6. Be active on the forums (not sure if this actually helps, but some have suggested it does)


Hope that helps!

Hi Aogan,

Thank you for your tips !

It is however very frustrating that our listing is still invisible;from what I understand a listing must be visible after all is completed and ''active'' means visible ,am I right here ?

About the number;do we add this somewhere on our listing or does this happen automatically ?

Looking forward to your advise  !
