Quality of the Airbnb website

Level 2
Copenhagen, Denmark

Quality of the Airbnb website

This is just as much a discussion as a shoutout to airbnb to improve their website.

I'm from Denmark and have used both the danish and english version of the website. It is obvious that all the text in the webstructure is translated to danish by using Google Translate oir similar. The translations does in some case make sense, but for a wide range of subsections and information, it is so misguiding that it is confusing to use.
The misguiding translation might explain why I dont find the website very intuitive to use.
I find it very unprofessional that Airbnb does not use an educated translater.


I assume similar experiences happens in other countries than Denmark?
- What are your thoughts about the structure of the website,

- and how does the website work with your native language?

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