Scam link?

Scam link? [link removed for safety reasons]


This link is a scam link or not?

Thank you


**[Move to make a new topic–title updated]

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Florence, Canada

Hi, @Majd0. I'm not going to follow that link because it does indeed look false. A true Airbnb listing URL is (or .ca or, etc.) followed by /rooms/ then a number - it will look something like

That URL is far too long, and the looks sketchy indeed. Don't go there. 

Level 10
Templeton, CA

@Majd0 Yep, this is definitely a scam.  It is not a real Airbnb listing.  Don't go there as this is an attempt to use the Airbnb name to lure people into thinking it is real.  

Also note that a real Airbnb website has "https" where the "s" stands for "secure".  The link you provided does not have this.   It is just someone creating a website made to look like an Airbnb site, but it is not. 

Stay away and don't use the chat feature (Airbnb does not offer this)....they'll ask you for your personal information.  Stay away!!

Level 1
Port St. Lucie, FL

Way to hijack a post.

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Majd0,


Nice to meet you, it is good to see you are keeping an eye out for links you are unsure about. 


I hope you don't mind, to make it easier to find your topic, I have made your question into a new topic here in Help board here in the Community Center.





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