Shut down my neighbours airbnb

Shut down my neighbours airbnb

Need some advise on getting one of these *bleep* bnb's shut down! Its getting out of hand & im going the correct & legal way 1st! Then.....

27 Replies 27
Level 10
Providence, RI



Dear Jim,


You sound a bit unhinged, Man.


"Random" forigners"?   "Making a fortune with AirBnB."  LOl, that's a good 'un.


Your cursing and swearing here does not further your case nor does it make it seem like you are taking a measured, professional approach to the problems you describe.


Is it really so difficult for you to see that this is an AirBnB forum for hosts and guests and not the AirBnB Company's customer Service?  Really?  Really?  It is so obvious.  How do you expect to succeed if you can't even see that you are writing on a forum not to a company rep?


Seems like you have done no research yourself you just want someone to take your word as gospel and shut someone down.


Here's what you should do, go to the link:  fill out the form and submit it correctly with all the relevant information including exactely what your compliants are.


From what you wrote on this forum your complaints seem nebulous at best, based on resentment at worst, and it would be charitable to say that you have approached the problem with a well thought out stratedgy to achieve your goal.


Your cooler head should prevail. Leave the ranting and cussing out of the conversation.


Please, fill out the form and let AirBnB handle this and then get back to the forum here when the listing has been shut down or your complaints have been mitigated.


Best of luck to you and keep us informed on this interesting thread.


The link does not work, fyi

And the neighbor complaint page will not accept either the street address nor the url.  Lucky them, how convenient.

Using correct English does not make you correct.


Air B&B has 'disrupted' the normal housing market, the hotel market, the rental market and has made accomodation in general a lot more dicey and expensive in the the cities. I think B&B's are usually in the country side for a reason. 


You can probably blame Uber and Hybrids for the increase in gas prices too. 


I'm personally sick of large businesses fronting as cool tech startups and maximizing value out of everyday lives. There might be a convenience to these services, but within a few years all the prices go up and the amount of dodgy activities far outweighs the positives. 


Time to regulate this stuff, too many dodgy fake landlords and party crowds and lack of respect for the locals in general. 

That's is interesting the link you gave us is broken 


Here's what you should do, go to the link:  fill out the form and submit it correctly with all the relevant information including exactely what your compliants are.


Secondly, you need assistance with your spelling?


My neighbor lives in Germany. His USA home is now an AirBnB. It is used by hoards of families who use it as

as "party" home or as a family reunion home. While Thorsten and Maira noted "up to 8-10 people may utilize their home," today, right now, there are at least 50 people partying it up, making lots of noise, as well as allowing their dogs to roam the streets. As a neighborhood, we will commence with calling the police for disturbances after 10:00 pm, report to the city all the illegal building they did to the home without permits and anything else we can do to slow this down. Clearly, Thorsten does not respect this community of homeowners who have lived n this street for 30+ years. 

@Kay295 you need assistance with your homophones?


No John1574, he's not unhinged just fed up with airbnbs in residential areas. These vacation rentals. aka unsupervised motels,  should NEVER be set up in residential areas. Towns and cities across Europe and North America are now trying their best to shut these unlicensed motels down! I live next to one and it's been nothing short of a NIGHTMARE. The host's primary focus is profit at any cost. Since this is a large home, it typically packs large family gatherings and or sports teams intent on "PARTY TIME!!!" Yes I've politely approached the host several times requesting she control the early morning noise, the stench of her vast amounts of trash cooking in her hot garage (we now have rats for the first time in our residential neighborhood), the numerous cars parked on our narrow street, and her response has been to  deny what I say or call me "you're nothing but a troublemaker." I've also written to airbnb staff and their unhelpful reply has been "we've spoken to the host." Still NO CHANGE!!!!!! Thankfully I have the police come by at 3am for crowd control on most weekends and my city is trying to shut this horror house down and limit vacation rentals to business sections of the city ... where they belong. BASED ON MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, I WILL NEVER, NEVER, NEVER RENT AN AIRBNB NOW THAT I KNOW THE PERSONAL HARM THEY DO TO THE SILENT MAJORITY. And yes, I've spoken to each and everyone of the guest groups that come and go ... and they don't care either. "After all, I'm only here for a couple of days." Well folks, your couple of days is my 365 day and night nightmare!!!!!!!! 

I would like the airbnb shut down.  I purchased my condo as a home and investment not knowing that an airbnb was above me.  This should have been manditorily disclosed.  I need help!


A condo will have a condo board/HOA - those are the ones you need to approach first and foremost.

Level 2
Huntsville, UT

Hi @Jim86 


I wonder how this worked out for you? I am currently in the same position. First, look at the zoning of your neighborhood. Does planning allow for nightly rentals? (Ensure you read your county's definition of nightly, vacation, etc.) If not, call code enforcement on them and document people coming and leaving. Some states, like Utah for example, do not consider it a crime to solely list your home on Airbnb; however, it is a crime if you actually rent out the home. This difference may be hard for code enforcement to do--unless they case the home. Help code enforcement out by photographing guests coming and leaving, screenshot their reviews of the home, etc. I would also make sure you do this from either your property or undisputed public property, so as your neighbor cannot state you were trespassing. Also, do not engage with the guests (other than to ask if they are Airbnb renters preferably on film again from your property) and do not give them a reason to say you are threatening. 


If zoning allows for nightly rentals, check your CC&R's to see if your HOA allows for it. A lot of HOA's do not allow business enterprises to be held from a unit/home/lot. I see a very strong argument that a home solely dedicated to being a rental space is a business enterprise. However, this will be trickier to argue and you will most likely be getting a lawyer.


Otherwise, if they are partying past curfew call the cops. Stand with the cops when they arrive and so as the neighbors know you called and are upset. I don't see a rental unit getting good reviews--therefore more patrons--if the reviews state the neighbor clearly does not like the activity


Again, make sure you do all this in a legal nonaggressive manner. Only approach the cops and instantly let them, the police, know you are the one that called, let the landowners look like the inconsiderate jerks they are.

I cannot believe how much it has changed our neighborhood. We as a community are pressuring our city council to make this illegal - they are being super slow about. We are a zoned residential not commercial. AIRBNB IS A BUSINESS - government need to get with the times and  **bleep** THEM DOWN. 

Level 10
Kraków, Poland



The very first thing you need to do, is to put up your photo id, because otherwise people may think you're just nasty and malicious which I'm sure is further from the case.


Are you a Host or even a guest? 


I would document all the transgression your neighbour has committed and check if the person doing the Airbnb is in fact the property owner, in many cases its not and the owner is not aware of what's going on.



I now have a 5 page log of all the noise, traffic congestion, private property violations, garbage mismanagement resulting in rats in our residential area. My city like many now in Europe and North American are needing to hire lawyers and do re-zoning to shut these horror story/unlicensed motels down. The owners/investors/hosts are fully aware of the complaints, pay the parking tickets, resume the 3AM PARTIES after the police have left AND BEST OF ALL,  this particular airbnb host next to me will DISCOUNT the guest's bill IF THEY POST A POSITIVE REVIEW OF HER RENTAL!!!! Hygiene alone should make people considering such a rental CRINGE. This rental next to me has had over 330 guests in the span of a few months. Vomit, urine, swimming pool conditions, unchanged bed sheets!!!! I've seen it all. Wake up folks. Unlicensed rentals do not answer to anyone regarding health and safety standards. We've even had a couple of murders in some vacation rental "out of control parties" north of this town. What does it take to shut these bloody places down!