Strict cancellation policy but no refund within the 48h ?

Level 1
Strasbourg, FR

Strict cancellation policy but no refund within the 48h ?


I have booked an accomodation with a "strict" policy for cancellation. It has been confirmed by the host. I am still in the 48h and i'd like to cancel, but when I go for cancelling, it is written that i won't get more than a 50% refund, even if in the Strict policy of airbnb it is written than i should. Is it normal? Can I do something about this ?

Thanks in advance,

1 Best Answer
Level 10
Caernarfon, United Kingdom
6 Replies 6
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Was the booking made within 14 days of arrival, if so, as it says when you make a booking the 48 hour free cancellation period will not be valid. This is only for bookings made longer than 14 days before travel. @Olivier774 


You can ask the host very nicely whether they would consider refunding you a higher amount than you are entitled to IF they are able to rebook any of the days you have cancelled.


By the way why are you wanting to cancel. There is an extenuating circumstances cancellation policy for genuine emergencies. 

Level 1
Strasbourg, FR

Thank you very much for your answer, it is much appreciated.

We gonna call the host, you are right, today was the last day we had to cancel since it is now 13 days before our arrival.

The reason why we have to cancel is because of the French strike for the trains. 7 of our trains has been cancelled yet, which make it hard for us to come back in the south for Chirstmas and new-year eve. Do you think it could be accepted as a extenuating circumstances?

thank you again!!!

Level 10
Caernarfon, United Kingdom

Level 1
Strasbourg, FR

I thank you again for this informations.

I have some other questions, since I got my host by phone. He is very kind, completely understand my case and would not mind to cancel by himself if he would not get some penalties.
So i have a few questions :

- If I cancel, would he get my 50% total reservation on his bank account (not the service fees, I guess) or woult it be Airbnb? If it's him, he would accept to give me back that money.
- I heard about the resolution center. Would it work for our case ? Could he agree by that path to give us back the total of our refund ?

Thanks again in advance, this community is very helpful!


Best is to coordinate with your host and Airbnb.  Airbnb has the ability to cancel and refund for extenuating circumstances, that is the best (and least complicated) route to go in my experience.

Airbnb may also refund its service fees if you do it this way.


In answer to your questions:

-  Airbnb holds the money, it doesn't pay the host until after the check-in date of the reservation

 - The host will be penalized if he cancels (there are 6 penalties) and the possibility of a financial penalty, he may have to pay Airbnb a fine between USD$50-100 even though he cancels on your behalf and say-so.


Another thing you could do is call your travel insurance agency they may refund for a situation like this, this works best for both host and guest because no one loses.

Level 10
Florence, Canada

It is within 48 hours of booking, but at least 14 days before check-in, @Olivier774 .

Is the reservation set to start within the next two weeks? If so, that's the problem. 

There is nothing you can do in that case. You agreed to the policy when you booked.

You can ask your host if they will consider a refund if they are able to book the dates to someone else after you cancel. They don't have to, but that is something that is possible for some hosts. Not all, of course, and that is why hosts choose certain policies. We choose what works for our hosting situations. 

If your reservation is within the 48 hours but more than two weeks out, you can give Customer Service a call to see what's up. 

All the best!