The Calender

The Calender

Does anyone know why some of the dates become blocked on my calender without me doing this? I have my dates set as available and when I open my account again some of my available dates have become blocked!! Does anyone know why this might be happening?

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Seattle, WA

@Theresa88 have you tried to unblock these dates? Have you ever cancelled a reservation?

Level 10
Como, CO

I know why it happens to me, I back up tomy Google calendar, so say I have blocked a day on ABB, syncs to Google. I unblock a date on ABB and when it next syncs blocks again as it is still blocked on my Google calendar.


When I click on my calendar for clients for the availability, it is blocked    Why???

I have the same Issue

all the dates from Nov. 03 2017 are blocked