Title on listing page

Level 1
Kenilworth, United Kingdom

Title on listing page

Hi there


How do you change the title that is displayed only on the listing page (mine says 'private room' at the moment) - it is something that I selected at the very start of the listing process (I think!).


I know how to change the other title of the listing in Listing Basics > Listing Title, but I am asking how to change the name given on the listing page (the options I have seen are 'entire guest suite', 'private room', 'entire annexe', 'entire cottage').




1 Reply 1
Level 10
Clare, Australia

@William1632 this should be easy.

Just go to edit and update the listing. 

This system takes a bit of navigation,  buy abnb seem to think it is obvious. 

Good luck, and just take some time. Cheers