Unbooked rooms

Level 2
Wookey, United Kingdom

Unbooked rooms

Hello ..Have a dilemma ..I have three rooms listed two of which are busy -one particularly so -its a twin room and seems to work for friends travelling together .However , I have a large room with superking size bed and private bathroom  and is of really high spec but I just cant seem to get bookings for it ?! Wondered if anyone out there has any suggestions on how to up my bookings -I am wondering if once I take a booking on one room the others are being blocked ? I have reduced the price slightly to see if there is an improved uptake ?

Its a bit disheartening as its such a lovely room ..would appreciate any tips or info to help .

Thanks Gill 

1 Reply 1
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

All three of your listings are beautifully designed and appointed, @Gill101 !  I doubt that there are any problems with the listing.  However, perhaps the twin room preference is more indicative of the type of visitor or visitor party for your area and you might want to capitalize on that. 

What if you had  fourth  and fifth listings that are a combination of two rooms, i.e., king bedroom plus twin room and king room with queen room?  These listings will be for parties of 2, 3,  or 4 related or unrelated guests.  It would good for 2 couples or parents with older children or 2 singles that like more space.  Of course you would have to figure out the pricing but I think if you have a base price a bit higher than your single room price for 2 guests and then have an extra guest fee for the 3rd and 4th guest.


Just thinking outside the box!