Visit to Location Prior to Booking Confirmation

Visit to Location Prior to Booking Confirmation



A potential guest wants to visit my site prior to a confirmed booking.  Has this request been received by anyone else? Is it recommended by Airbnb?





3 Replies 3
Level 10
Traverse City, MI

Yes, this is something that happens every once in a while.


Many times these people are looking to book outside of the Airbnb system, or they're new and don't understand how it works. (Or worse, up to no good casing your place)

You'd have to use your own judgement on what sort they are, but I definitely wouldn't give them your address. You can reply that you have plenty of photos and you're happy to answer questions but aren't interested in showing the place.


It is a red flag, so proceed with caution. If you feel wary, just decline them & move on.

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

It is against Air terms and conditions.

Level 10
San Marcos, TX

Don't do it.

It puts you at risk and against Airbnb policy.