We are considering staying open for winter guests. The lake is great for iceskating and ice bathing with the sauna. However, guests would be required to carry the water they need for drinking, cooking, and washing up to the cottage, as there is no winter water. Luckily, it's down hill... Airbnb WC, shower, laundry in the main house. We have 20 liter water tanks. Feedback about this idea appreciated!
Hi @Ida85🙂 You have a lovely listing! I think that as long as you make it very very clear about what the conditions are for booking you could rent your home in winter too. Make it clear in the description and also write a "Thank you" note in which you will thank guests for choosing your listing as soon as they book and explaining the conditions once again. Or if you don't have IB on even better, you can explain before they book.I personally would probably pass on that kind of listing just because of the water, the listing itself is great, but that doesn't mean there aren't other people that would love to stay there. Good luck with whatever you decide on doing!