"Placeholder Reservation - Room/Unit Blocked"

Level 1
Yellow Springs, OH

"Placeholder Reservation - Room/Unit Blocked"

How can I stop "Placeholder Reservation - Room/Unit Blocked" 

6 Replies 6

Can you provide a screen shot  of what you are looking at? 

Every day at 3PM EST the placeholder arrives on my booking system. (ReservationKey). This shows the rooms as unavailable when indeed they are. I accept late reservations on a regular basis.

Sorry. I assume this happens when my booking engine reaches out for changes but.......

Link to Screen Shot.(https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B05ytHm3Ilq6d2xOTXRtOXhJX2s/view?usp=sharing)

@Robert318  I looked at your screen shot.  It doesn't look like it comes from the Air BNB platform so I wonder if the hosts on this site are able to assist you.

Level 1
Ballygrant, United Kingdom



How can I stop this happening on my second room every time I get a booking. 

You have to check how you linked your calendars, @Susan792. To me it looks like the listings are synced in the calendar - one of them is set as "master" listing, which in your case doesn't seem necessary. Remove syncing from your calendar.

// "The only person you can trust is yourself"
Level 1
Ballygrant, United Kingdom

It was ok last year ,just started with 2018. Thank you for infomation I will try I syncing.